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A Bostonian at the University of Michigan.

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Joey Harrington blogs a baseball game
Jason Varitek gets injured
Winter meetings fashion report
Mascot Rant #1
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8 Days of Jewish Baseball
Day 1- Kevin Youkilis
Day 2- Brad Ausmus
Day 3- Al Levine
Day 4- Jason Marquis
Day 5- John Grabow
Day 6- Justin Wayne
Day 7- Shawn Green
Day 8- Gabe Kapler and Theo Epstein

the Story of Chanukah, Red Sox style
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Part II: rise of the Soxxabees
Part III: the rebellion begins!
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Monday, March 31, 2003  
OK, this is disturbing on many levels.

I was watching Justice League the other night, and when the credits came on, I noticed that one of the voices was done by Tom Sizemore. You know who he is. He's that actor guy. Er... I think he was in Pearl Harbor... and probably some other stuff. You know. You do know who he is.

Anyways, someone needs to shoot me for unbearable geekiness for a) noticing the voice credits in a cartoon and b) watching Justice League in the first place. I am a horrible, horrible person.

I am also a horrible geek because I watched The Awesome Pawsome for the 12 millionth time this weekend. It's a great documentary about these 4 tigers being raised by people. I adore it. I can never get enough of tigers, no siree. You all should watch it next time it comes on. No idea when that will be, but you ought to see it all the same. Good stuff.

There was a Cat and Girl about the difference between (among?) geeks, dorks, and nerds. By their definitions, I'm pretty sure I'm a geek. Alas.

If irony was made of strawberries, we'd all be eating a lot of smoothies right now.

If you want to be completely and utterly amazed, go see the Mystical Ball. If you do it properly, it is always right. It knows. It was really creeping me out last night, because how can it know? How can it be psychic? But it is.

Anyways, me and Chris managed to figure it out last night between the two of us, because we are geniuses without compare. (Note the colloquial, incorrect usage of 'me' rather than 'I') But we aren't telling. Nyah nyah nyah.

I was ill this weekend. I got really, abruptly lightheaded on Friday night, and then I was really dizzy all day Saturday. I was OK by Sunday. It was most unpleasant. I don't think I had a fever or anysuchthing, but it was not a good time. I have no idea what sort of illness it was, or why I was afflicted by it. Argh.

I have decided to start uploading pics of my own now, stuff I've photographed or drawn, as opposed to most of the other pictures I post, which are shamelessly pirated from other sites. I am the worst photo pirate ever. Shiver me timbers.

Perhaps you have heard all the talk about that Iraqi blog that's out there? It's been all over the place... it was in the New Yorker... I know I saw it on TV, I think it was 60 minutes... anyways, I tracked it down, and here's the link, if you're at all interested. It's Dear Raed. I work tirelessly for your enlightenment, you know.

Something happened with that reporter fellow, Peter Arnette. This, at least, is what I am told in french class. I think he was fired for making remarks that were sort of... treasonous. Scandalous.

I hear tell that we have an assembly next period, in which our principal will mutter something no one can hear about scholarships. I always love trying to cram the whole grade into the Little Theater. Our grade's not that big, less than 200 kids, but the Little Theater is rather appropriately named. And the seats are hard.

But the good bit is that I will be missing part of math for this assembly. So I hope it's a long and involved one. We're supposed to have a math test on the morrow, but perhaps it will be postponed if we miss a big enough chunk of class today. That sure would be pleasant.

I was very startled to wake up this morning and see snow on the ground. Only a few days ago it was in the 60s. Freshmen were wearing tank tops and tiny skirts (although I guess that's not really indicative of warm weather... they wear those irregardless). Tulips were budding. Birds were returning. And now it snows. The insanity of New England weather never fails to amaze.

Then again, I can't help but notice that I feel a lot better, now that it's cold out again. Yet another proof that cold weather is preferable to any other kind. I swear, I have something in my genetic makeup that makes me unable to deal properly with hot weather.

Class is pratically over, and I am pleased to say that I did absolutely no work at all. Hooray for blogging.

Tomorrow is le Jour de Poisson! Be prepared to be fished.

8:42 AM

Friday, March 28, 2003  
What does it take to make a good blog?

Heck, I don't know, I make this turkey. It may be many things, but it sure ain't good.

But you definitely do not have to know how to make a good blog in order to recognize a bad blog when you see it. And I have seen many bad blogs in my time. Any sort of fool can make a bad blog. All you have to do is not know how to write. A exceedingly bad blog, though, is almost a work of art. And I have read an exceedingly bad blog just recently. It is beyond bad. It is beyond all comprehension of bad.

It is called Silly Billy, and it is by an obviously intelligent young lady who calls herself pRiNceSs jaNeTTe. Exactly like that.

I found this site because it was posted on the incomparable Scaryduck under the inauspicious title of 'the worst blog on the internet'. Having not read the majority of the blogs on the internet, I cannot say for sure whether or not this is the absolute worst, but it is assuredly up there.

You have to read it to believe it. I would not have thought it possible for anyone to write it, if it were not for the obvious fact that it's been written. Holy. Cats.

The Spanish V class is in the library with us today. Ms. DiMascio is IMing Svetlana's boyfriend, Big Poppa, right now. Tell me, does it get much better than that?

Today in biology Richie told us a story. It's probably only funny if you know who Richie is. Richie is the only kid in our biology class who can consistently get As without cheating. Richie is very, very, very smart. Richie does a lot of work. Richie is a good kid. Richie is a surpassingly good Mock Trial lawyer. Maura loves Richie.

Anyways, apparently some kid licked Richie's neck in school (to freak him out... I'm pretty sure it wasn't a coming-on sort of thing). Richie flipped out and started beating on this kid. He got the kid on the floor and started kneeling on his back, just whaling away on him. Zach (another Mock Trial star) attempted to pull Richie away, but Richie threw him off and went right on beating on the offending kid.

Ha ha. I laughed. So did the rest of the class.

I do not like this keyboard. I have it in my lap and I still am not enjoying it.

A number of French and Spanish students in here have downloading AIM onto the school computers, and they are all IMing each other across the library computer cubicles. Presumably this is less likely to get them in trouble than if they shouted to each other. I am not going to go to the trouble of downloading AIM onto this.... this CCS with a Pentium 4 processer.

What is CCS? A lot of the school computers seem to be made by it (them). This nasty little screen is a Hewlett Packard, which explains a lot. They gave us Woodrow, the severely amnesiac printer/scanner/copier/fax, and now they have apparently given us a tiny, overcurved little screen named Ergo Ultra.

Star-nosed moles are crrrrrrrrazy lookin' critters.

i gots constellations on my nose. you can navigate by 'em, you see.

Hum. There were some other things I wanted to blog about, but my mind has gone blissfully blank.

I support the American Cancer Society. And I've got the daffodils to prove it.

Well, I'm going to go do other non-school-related activities before school lets out for the weekend (thank cats!).

Thus ends the blog.

2:08 PM

Thursday, March 27, 2003  

(I won't name names, because I'll probably forget someone, and then they'll scream at me tomorrow morning. And when I come into school in the morning, all I want to do is maybe make it to and from my locker without having to shove freshmen out of the middle of the hall, and maybe sit on the floor in our designated little stretch of hallway and listen to people chatter and not be bothered. Because, you see, in the mornings I am in a fairly foul mood, due to the fact that I am awake, and also the fact that I have had to navigate around the freshmen. I do not deal well with irate people in the morning.)

Recently, while reading the New Yorker, I learned that the internet provider in Iraq is called Uruklink. Now, what does that make you think of? Immediately. What connections does your mind make?

I only ask because, upon seeing Uruklink, I instantly thought of the Uruk Hai. From Lord of the Rings. The fighting Uruk Hai, you know, the sort of big, nasty Orcs. Am I a horrible, incurable, irrepressible dork, or do others make the same connection? Please tell me I'm not alone in this.

I know that I am not alone in often writing 'Iraq' as 'Irak' now. That's what comes of getting all your news from french news websites. Other people in my class have confessed to similar difficulties.

My new email, by the by, is The Meowmail email address is still up and running, if you prefer that, but the Yahoo one is my new main email. My IM name, of course, remains the same as it ever was. A classic, that is.

I like not having math homework. It makes my mind more at ease.

What does not make my mind more at ease is the fact that I am still waiting to hear from so very many colleges. Of course, I won't get into any of them, since they are pretty much all reaches, but it would still be good to know so I can tell Michigan for sure. I am happy that I am in Michigan. It is good to be in one of your first choices nice and early. Still, April can't get here fast enough for my peace of mind.

Well, that's pretty much all there is to say right at this very moment, so here is a little dash of ant-eating joy for you.

Call me numbat. Am I not gloriously arrayed in my striped pelt?

He is most gloriously arrayed indeed.

9:25 AM

Tuesday, March 25, 2003  
I am in french. French is in the middle of the day today. I don't think I much like it at this time, I would rather have it at the end of the day, when there are interesting things to tell you poor, hopelessly bored readers.

I wasn't intending to blog...I was playing Bauns on Orisinal, because it's a good game, but I don't like this school mouse. I'm used to my optical rodent. I also have the attention span of a goldfish (3 seconds, you know), so that sort of limits my game-playing abilities.

I almost fell asleep in math today... probably because I didn't get my usual nap in bio. I actually stayed awake to hear about the circulatory system. Endless good times. Anyways, I really tried to be wakeful in math, since I missed it yesterday, and that is the only class I have where I will be lost if I miss a day. But it just wasn't possible. Sleep is the nectar of the gods, and, as such, it is hard to come by.

I realized that, in yesterday's blog, I used the word 'skive'. I used it in the past tense, in case you're having trouble recognizing it. But this is not a normal word. I'm not sure where I got it from. But there it is.

Last night I watched half of Six Feet Under, which is annoying, because I need to see all of it. More TVs in my house should have HBO on them. Then all would be well, and I wouldn't feel so murderous towards my brother for taking up the TV. Not that he doesn't deserve the murderousness, oh no. He is most deserving. Nasty little critter.

About 10 minutes until class ends. Hmm. Not much else to write about...

The computer teacher was talking with Madame about some aspect of the future curriculum, which involved moving the Mac lab to the Fine Arts wing (this is presumably when we get a new school built). I guess that this somehow means the greater part of the computer curriculum will be got rid of. Anyhow, one of the non-french kids in here asked the computer teacher if that meant she was leaving. The teacher snapped at her "I wasn't talking to you! Turn around and mind your own business!" Sheesh. The woman is insane. The french students in here, of course, know better than to attempt communication with this woman.

I have second lunch today. I hate second lunch. It is boring. And I can never get anything done in study, since it's broken into two useless halves. And I have a lot of math homework/comprehension to try and do. Sigh.

This big, nasty base that the computer screen sits on claims to be an HP (the people who brought us Woodrow) Kayak XA. I'm not sure why they would name it after a boat. It appears to just be some sort of giant spare disk drive, because the CPU is separate, but maybe I am mistaken in assuming it is so simple. It is... ungainly. Unsightly. Hmm. Macs are far superior.

Made some comments about a *ahem* certain college in here today... pretty sure people got really upset. Honestly. People need to learn to stop taking everything so seriously. I am not good at dealing with thick-headedness this early in the morning.

Must trot, my classical conditioning tells me the bell will ring soon.

11:17 AM

Monday, March 24, 2003  
I did not go to school today.

This was not because I was ill. It was not because I stayed up too late watching the Oscars (I didn't watch them at all, as it happens). It was not because I just didn't feel like going into school.

I stayed home today because I was completely, utterly exhausted.

Why? you ask. Is it, perchance, nothing more than the usual school-year exhaustion?

Yes, I respond. It is because the world is trying to destroy my mind. Or, if not the world, at least one very, very, very evil smoke detector.

You see, I have a smoke detector in my room, for all the right safety reasons. At 3:30 this morning, I was awakened from my slumber by a high-pitched beep. Irritated, I tried to return to sleep. Another beep. Followed by yet another.

The smoke detector, in its fierce determination to ruin my mind and soul, proceeded to emit a piercing, loud beep once every minute, from 3:30 am until around 7:30 am, when my mother figured out how to shut it off.

Every single frelling minute from 3:30 to 7:30.

I was, needless to say, unable to sleep. Every time I started to doze even a little bit, I would be jolted back into wakefulness by the squealing beep of dread. Every minute. I started counting time between beeps. I tried stuffing tissues into my ears to muffle the sound, but the beep was piercing enough that all my efforts were made in vain.

I tried taking the smoke detector off the ceiling, but it was cunningly attached by a slew of wires, so I was foiled again. There were no buttons or anything that I could push to turn it off. Believe me, I looked. If there had been, I would have turned the frelling thing off in a second and taken my chances with fire.

By the time morning rolled around, I was practically in tears from a combination of sleep deprivation and the grating repetition of the beep itself. It was rather like what I imagine Chinese water torture to be. You knew the beep was coming, but you couldn't do anything to prevent it. I was twitching feebly in bed, uselessly trying to wrap pillows and blankets around my head to cut out the sound. I may well have been whimpering.

I was, in short, frantic, and rapidly deteriorating minute by painful minute.

My mother, perhaps slightly alarmed by my unbalanced aspect, finally managed to shut the damn thing off. This was a complicated procedure, apparently involving all the other smoke detectors in the house, a step stool, removal of the aforementioned wires, some batteries, restitution of the aforementioned wires, and a small amount of weapons grade plutonium. Even after the foul appliance was silenced, I spent some time glaring mistrustfully at it before I was able to fall asleep.

Then, ah! Blissful sleep.

the devil walks among us

Anyways, I feel a little bit better about not going into school, because it seems like a number of other people also skived off. I'll bet their excuses aren't as horrifying as mine is, though. I was actively tortured throughout the night by a vengeful (I'm not sure why it's vengeful, but it just is) smoke detector.

Pity me, in my agony, for you could suffer the same fate yourself someday. One never knows.

4:31 PM

Saturday, March 22, 2003  
Farscape. Last night.

Oh my holy freaking cats.

The series finale was... holy cats. Just... holy cats. I don't want to say that it was perfect, because that implies total happiness, and of course I'm not totally happy that the series is over. I am extraordinarily upset that the series is over. As you all know. But, aside from that, the episode was perfect.

They didn't try to make it any more sensational than any other episode. Yes, sensational things happened, but the point is that sensational things happened in other episodes prior to this one. They didn't try to make it entirely serious. They had plenty of the humor in the final episode that made the whole series famous. It was tight, and entertaining, and the ending.... oh my, was there ever an ending like that??

And then it said 'To be continued'. What does that mean?? The series is over. They can't taunt me like that. I can't deal with it.

I'm not even sure I can explain it more fully unless you watched it... there's really no way to impress on someone who didn't watch the show how very perfect it was.

Anyways. After that, I called Liz back, because she had called me in the middle of Farscape, and I am afraid I was a little bit... abrupt. I believe I said something along the lines of, "liz im watching farscape its important ill call you after bye". Well, it was the series finale of one of my favorite shows, cut me a little slack. You judgemental bastards.

OK, so I called Liz back, and I ended up next door, where Bad Movie Night was in full swing. Swimfan and Swept Away were viewed. Swimfan was horrible, of course, but it was exactly what you expected it to be. I must confess myself anticipatorily excited for Pongfan.

Swept Away was, quite possibly, the worst movie I have ever been doomed to see. It made me hate humanity.
It sickened me that Guy Richie would make his own wife be in some (most) of those scenes. It boggled the mind, how terrible that movie was. Nothing made sense (why didn't the boat just come and get them?). People
behaved very, very horribly.

Yeah. Very bad movies.

for no reason at all, here is the only scaled mammal

Today I got lost in Lynn with Noah. We are pathetic. We had no idea where we were supposed to be going. We ended up having to stop to ask Jason for directions, and even then we managed to get confused.

Then we went to see Adaptation, which I thoroughly enjoyed. It was very well written, to the point of insanity. It was funny. It was the first movie I've liked Nicholas Cage in since... well, since I can remember. It was very original. Yeah, as a whole, I very much liked this movie.

I'm losing my mind, I need to stop right now.

11:00 PM

Friday, March 21, 2003  
Well, it is Friday, thank cats, and I am here in the library, hoping with some small degree of desperation that the librarian won't sneak up behind me.

The library is faily insane right now, since some english classes (juniors, I assume) are having their 20s day in here, with video cameras. They are many and loud. There is also some other class in here using the computers, which is mildly annoying since these are the computers for french! There may only be 5 of us, but we claim all of these computers. We signed up for 'em, we have the right.

A 20s party, by the by, is something the english department does (I believe it was the brainchild of the incomparable Ms. Ganci). Everyone gets assigned a character from the 20s (I was Al Capone in my day), and everyone dresses up like that character. Then everyone comes into school and has a party, in character, with 20s music and stuff like that. I'm not entirely sure what it has to do with either school or literature, but hey, it's a pretty good time.

Blueprint came out today. The Oscar predictions are funny, Corey and Noah ended up agreeing on pretty much everything. There are a couple of sports articles which I haven't read yet. I'll save them for math or something, when I'm not going to have much else to do. There is also a large article about the prom which I rather dislike, because it makes me rather less inclined to go to this overwrought, overblown event.

Not feeling very well... I think I'm just tired, though. I hope I'm just tired. Nothing a good 12 hours' sleep on Saturday won't cure, I'm certain.

Errrmmm... a bunch of lights just went out. Not sure why... please let there be a power outage! That would be supremely glorious.

Oh, I think the 20s people are filming or something. Our 20s party was far superior.

Today is *sniff* the last *sniff* episode of Farscape. *insert hysterical crying here* I love that show! I don't know what I am going to do with myself. It's not a show that needs to be cancelled... I mean, if they were to cancel ER, it would be like a mercy killing. But Farscape is in its prime! Farscape is cleverly written, skillfully filmed, well-acted and just generally a DAMN GOOD SHOW.

In its last year, Farscape was nominated for three, count 'em, three Saturn awards! (I don't think they've had the awards ceremony just yet). Evidently the show is doing something right! And, as I have previously brought to your attention, there are loads of Save Farscape sites, scattered all over the web. People are with me on this one! *sniffle sniffle sniffle*

Ooooh boy. Mr. Sack, our illustrious principle, is here in this very library. He just looked over and Maddie told him we were in french class, doing current events. I don't think that there is a one of us here doing current events. I think I see some games... I, of course, am blogging. Then again, I'm all done with my work for the week already. Gosh, I am so conscientious.

So anyways, Farscape. I am very, very, very upset that it is going to be *sniff* over *sniff* after tonight. The world has no pity, and neither does the SciFi network.

Give me a moment to collect myself. *sniiiiiiiiff*

"The hottest spot in hell is reserved for those who, in times of great conflict, remain neutral." --Martin Luther King, Jr.

So suck on that, neutrality!

Methinks I doth here the melodious voice of the Ganci, rising sonorously above the general furor of the library, directing her little 20s creations in their production (or whatever the heck it is they're doing).

Maybe I will paint when I get home today. Maybe I will write my english paper. Maybe I will do whatever other homework I end up having. Maybe I will do none of these productive things, preferring to sit and work my way through the Harry Potter series. Again.

Maybe I will post this blog before the class ends.

8:37 AM

Tuesday, March 18, 2003  
Today we wrote a poem in english class. They were sestinas.

Mine is about a hapless anteater who swallows a particle of gravity. This, of course, causes him to become green and segemented. That, unfortunately, is what you get when you swallow a particle of gravity. And if you doubt that gravity comes in particles, then you are simply a fool. So there.

Anyways, I found a picture of an anteater just sitting around on my computer, so I illustrated my poem with him.

before swallowing gravity

after swallowing gravity

So don't go eating any particles of gravity, or your fate will be the same as this poor anteater here. That is moral of my poem.

And no, I was not high when I wrote it.

I was, however, in school, which probably means that I was inhaling some sort of hallicinogenic fumes, but you know what I mean. I wasn't actively high.

Today the inventor of the Zone diet gave a lecture at my school. It was pretty bad, but it was marginally better than sitting through health class. Some junior with fantastically orange skin and enormous tan boots introduced him, and she said, "I am living proof of the Zone diet," and because of the skin and the boots Liz, Corey, Noah, Jason and I started dying quietly.

It was so hard to not laugh out loud. The girl was trying to be serious about the whole thing ("I really believed in the Zone because of the hormonal control"), but it was too funny. I mean, she was practically a parody of herself. Whose skin is that orange? Whose hair is that bleached-looking? (although maybe it wasn't that bad... maybe it just looked worse in contrast to the skin) Who wears those boots?

She said many things, like "I couldn't even stop the Zone diet now if I wanted to... I used to get headaches all of the time, and now I don't." This statement, combined with the fact that Mr. Zone diet himself kept on saying things like "Your drug...... is food" and "No drug is more potent than food" (not even heroin? and here I thought that was all powerful and dangerous and whatnot...), makes me awfully wary of this Zone thingy. I mean, a drug? Do I really want to become physically and mentally addicted to this thing? It must be an awfully expensive habit, I mean, you have to buy all of those books and things...

The guy also kept on talking about "giving yourself an unfair hormonal adavantage" by eating well, which was, for some unfathomable reason, absolutely hilarious at the time. Some of the things he said were obviously bogus or at the very least extremely convoluted versions of the truth. "If you eat too much sugar, you won't have enough human growth hormone" (so all those little kids who eat tons of sugar will never grow? obviously a lie, 'cause little kids who eat tons of sugar all grow up). He also said that if you went on the Zone diet, you would quickly notice that "everything your teachers are saying in class suddenly makes sense!" (what if you're an idiot? what if you're tired, and diet has nothing to do with it? what if you just don't get the material? how will food help you there? hmm?)

Other things he said were just stupid. "You only think those celebrities are anorexic... they're actually very healthy, and they're on the Zone diet" (daggers from the eyes of every female member of the audience here). "My wife, who has been on the Zone diet for a decade, is considered tiny here, but we just got back from Italy, and she was normal there. That is because America is such a fat country. Here, my wife has a hard time finding a size 2. In Milan, she was average" (got news for ya buddy... Milan is the home of anorexic models, of course your probably sickly wife fit right in.... and if she can't find a size 2, where is she shopping? they probably have tons of size 2s somewhere like express).

One more funny thing he said... he said that the Zone diet would "control your emotions", and stop you from being sad and whatnot. For one thing, that's obviously a load of defecatory material. Vegetarians get just as depressed as the rest of the human race. Secondly, why would you necessarily want your emotions to be completely suppressed and controlled? This guy was making it sound like this diet was the new Prozac or somesuchathing. Idiocy and amusement.

Well, that was my inifinitely thrilling day.

The only other interesting bit was that we watched a video in bio today about the human body, and they showed a video of someone's vocal chords while they were coughing. It was completely disgusting. The vocal chords are nasty to begin with, they look like.. well, I'll put a picture below, but anyways, when you cough they flap all over the place and it was supremely gross and made me want to never cough again.

*OK, well, I had a picture of vocal chords here, but I have now removed it, since it was a thoroughly disgusting picture and it looked vaguely like porn. Vocal chord porn, but you know what I mean. My french class rebelled against it, so it is no longer here for your viewing.*

That's enough, I need to stop taking such joy from technology. Good night, all.

10:50 PM

Monday, March 17, 2003  
Lo! The President speaks!

(and usage says that I have to capitalize 'president', since it's an official title)

And he says (of terrorists): "They will face fearful consequences."

Fearful? Now, I don't think that they are going to be consequences which are full of fear. Rather, they should inspire fear. Fearsome, I am thinking. But not fearful.

Sigh. It is so comforting to know that our leader is speaking so properly, on this 'eve of war'. I find myself hoping that all of this posturing will come to naught, but somehow I doubt that it will, at this point. Alas for the inevitability of war.

Alas also for the fact that we passed in our biology tests today. I know that the disaster potential of this is not quite on the same level as that of war, but it still unnerves me. This is decidedly not a test I want to get back. Damn plants. I wish they had never got their damnable hormones!

It was infinitely warm out today, which made school just that much more unbearable. It is bad enough that the bad weather can't get us a break from school, at least we sit inside while it is happening. We can take this fact as some small modicum of comfort. But to be in school on a warm, sunny day like today.... aarrgh. Much, much, much worse.

My new email, by the by, is, so this is where you may reach me, if you have need of reaching.

That is all I can think of for the moment, so I leave you with

the aye aye of war

does not my crazed appearance portend the coming of war??? aye, it doth.

He portends many things.

8:35 PM

Saturday, March 15, 2003  
This is funny. It still gets me every time.

Farscape was on last night. I watched it. I still find that it is a glorious show, it's one that has yet to go downhill, as so many other shows have (ER, Friends, etc.). The end comes this Friday. *Sob*. There was an article about it in the Globe today, which I appreciated, but still. I am going to be inconsolable when the show ends.

Of course, I am far from being alone... just go and see the Save Farscape website if you don't believe me.

I found a site called You Know You Watch Too Much Farscape When.... The scary bit is, I do a lot of them. I am a horrible, horrible person.

*sniffle* i don't want it to end *sniffle*

I saw Old School last night. It was OK, some bits of it were funny, some weren't so much. But on the whole I think that I would have enjoyed it more if we weren't in a theater full of idiots. I mean it, too. Practically everyone in the theater was an idiot. They laughed at everything, whether it was funny or not. There were scenes that were kind of funny, but not really hilarious, and these people were laughing long and loud at every little thing. They laughed at the commercials, for cat's sake!

They were also annoying because they kept on reading things out loud. When the title for Bruce Almighty came up during the previews, suddenly there was a chorus of people sitting behind us saying "Bruce Almighty! Bruce Almighty!", which prompted me to mutter murderously, "Wow, they can read," which in turn made Jess and Liz start to laugh. Seriously. They did the same thing a couple of times during the actual movie, when there was a sign or something on the screen. Yes, people, you can read! Good for you! But guess what? We can read too, you morons, so shut up and watch the damn movie!

I was, as you can imagine, somewhat irate.

Well, there's biology just waiting to be done. Wonderful. Absolutely glorious.

4:16 PM

Thursday, March 13, 2003  
It is not impossible. Merely... improbable.

What, you ask, does that refer to? I don't know, make something up to fit it. Whatever makes you happy.

Today I had a mildly heated arguement about the contrasting merits of Blogger and Xanga. Blogger is obviously superior. Xanga doesn't hold a moldy old candle to Blogger. Not in any respect. None.

My Blogger loyalty is rather fierce when awakened from its peaceful slumber.

I finally made an AIM Quiz. Take it, if you dare. I've been told that it is difficult. I don't know, it all seems perfectly straightfoward to me. Then again, I made it. So, to be kind, I am giving you a clue.

i get way too much wonder and joy out of this. but it is just so dern glorious.

I am too nice to you people.

I was watching movie trailers last night online. The excellence of having cable internet is slowly unfolding itself before my very eyes. Anywho, I saw a number of X2 trailers (I want to see it. So sue me), and one for some weird Ralph Fiennes movie called Spider (Ralph Fiennes is pronounced neither 'Ralph' nor 'Fiennes'. Discuss), and something called the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (looks just awful), and Finding Nemo (neat animation, but no need to see it for any other reason), and also Willard (which looked quite good).

I may be seeing Willard sometime in the immediately forseeable future. If so, I will be sure to let you know all about it. Whether you want to hear about it or not. Your petty little opinions matter not at all to me.

I am liking this not-having-much-homework-lately sort of happenstance. Alas, that will swiftly come to a close when I get my biology take home test tomorrow. This is a test of mammoth proportions. Either it kills me, or I kill it. We shall see, it's about a 50-50 chance of either one of us winning right now, so lay your money wherever you like.

If it doesn't start snowing again in the night, someone is going to have a whole lot of explaining to do. We. Need. A. Snowday. We deserve a snowday. I'm not sure how else I could put that. This is enormously ridiculous. We have had so much snow this year, and we have had a grand total of zero snowdays. That's it. I demand my snowdays.

I know I said that a lot of people have heinously lame away messages, and this is still true. But far, far worse are the people who just use the stock away messages (I am away from my computer right now). They deserve a fate worse than death.

They deserve a senior year without any snowdays at all.

Oh. Holy. Cats. I just accidentally clicked away from this, and I lost the blog. I stopped the other site in the middle of loading and desperately back-clicked, hoping against hope that this was not lost. Thankfully, it was not. Whew. I've really got to start saving these things, or I'm going to give myself a heart attack one of these days. Mark my words.

I found a new online comic today. This one has good artwork, and it's funny, and it's delightfully bizarre and surreal. It comes from me, to you, highly recommended. It is The Grimbles, and you had better go look at it right this very moment, before I unleash the cuscuses (cuscusi? or just cuscus?).

Go cuscus! Rip, rend, and tear! Wreck havoc and destruction upon these poor, unsuspecting fools. Obliterate them with your famed cuscus ferocity and tenacity.

you'd better watch out. he'll take your arm off in a heartbeat.

10:06 PM

Wednesday, March 12, 2003  
Hooray for college.

I took the AATF test today (that's the American Association of Teachers of French, for you uninitiated folks). Sections were hard and sections were pretty do-able. I actually thought that some of the listening stuff was easy, but maybe I'm just insane. The only two people in the school taking AATF for French V were me and Chulsky. Madame says that very, very few people state-wide take it, so even if I do poorly I may 'officially' do well.

Or maybe not. I definitely bombed parts of it. I know nothing of grammar, and I know even less of French culture. Although I do know that Georges Braque is a cubist painter. Was a cubist painter. He is dead now. So I got at least one right in that section.

this is 'clarinet and bottle of rum on a mantleplace'

I have decided to change the posts settings from 25 to 10. As my archives have been rather balky of late, this may somewhat limit your reading abilities, but since I started with the pictures I think it is only fair to lower the site loading time. I do this, of course, in deference to all of you poor souls out there who haven't got cable.

(ha ha ha ha! suckers!)

We had a math quiz today which I am nearly certain I failed. It was miserable. I forgot simple things, like the cosine of pi/3, and how to differentiate logarithmically. Oh well, I'm into 2 colleges, so now even a C in math cannot pull me down.

That is a lie. It can most definitely pull me down, if pulling me down means making me upset and deranged with worry. But sometimes I like to pretend to myself that I don't care about school. It makes me feel like somewhat less of a dork.

I also feel like less of a dork when I manage to stop myself from swearing in french, which is (Zut! Merde!) not very often.

Today is Chris's birthday. Happy birthday, Chris!

Reading The Silmarillion, by Tolkein. It is significantly more dense than the Lord of the Rings, mostly because of all the insanely bizarre names tossed around like so much lettuce in the narrative. It's also a little bit like reading Dostoyevsky, because everyone seems to have more than one name, as is evidenced in the following little excerpt:

"The Fëanturi, masters of spirits, are brethren, and they are called most often Mandos and Lórien. Yet these are rightly the names of the places of their dwelling, and their true names are Námo and Irmo."

Thereafter in the book, you never know, when you see Mandos or Lórien, if a person or a place is being referred to. Sometimes it's even hard to tell with context. You also never know whether to look for Mandos, or Námo, or Fëanturi, or whowhat.

In despite of all that, I am rather enjoying the book. It takes a little getting into, but, after the fashion of A Clockwork Orange (suprememly glorious book), once you get into a groove it's enjoyable to read. Not a book for the faint of heart, but if you're a real genuine Tolkein fan, you may find it well worth your trouble.

Things are so.... mutable around here.

Smasking is a good word. I think that someone should make a meaning for it so that it can pass into general usage, and then we can all say things like "He was smasking" or "It's not a good idea to smask that potted plant" with pleasure and impunity.

There was a grackle in my backyard today. My mother, the oracle, says that this is a sign of spring. It is uncommonly warm out today. Mayhap the grackle knows.

i am grackle. bow before my wisdom.

Wow. Two pictures in one blog. I really need to stop rejoicing in technology. OK. Must stop.

Do you talk in multiple s's? I think that you do. You need to cut that out, it's pretty annoying.

I can hold the cactus, even if you can't.

5:00 PM

Monday, March 10, 2003  
I have got AIM!

After all these years, finally the power is mine. I must confess that I am rather disappointed. After hearing away messages touted as the pinnacle of internet joy, I find myself let down by the sheer mundanity of everyone's messages.

A few such examples:
-eww such a shitty day!
-@ the gym, leave one or call my cell if u wanna do somethin tonight...and someone better
-in the shower - leave a message
-gym... home around 430, leave me one
-Sorry -- I'm not online right now ...
-sleepy, sleepy... Don't let the bed bugs bite

I won't embarrass people by saying who is responsible for which example of lameness. But I will say that I had, from what I had been told, expected people to be both amusing and witty. Most people are neither. People, in short, are boring. I am saddened.

At least I can now let people know when I am blogging, so that I find myself the proud owner of blogging capabilities without interruption. This may or may not improve the quality of the blogs to come. You will have to let me know.

I am listening to my Elvis Costello CD right now. It is good times. It grows on you, like fungal haustoria on an unsuspecting host.

My cable connection looks like a giant gray shark fin.

Shark meat is high in mercury, so you pregnant ladies out there shouldn't partake of it. I learned that in health today. I hate health, it is the most perfectly useless class I have ever been cursed to take.

Today I tried to visit, that being the Highly Glorious Site of Helene. I mistyped, however, and wrote blogsopt instead of blogspot, and I wrote www instead of just doing http://. For some reason, this sent me to something called Aaron's Bible Site. I was horrified to find myself there, so I quickly retyped the address, correctly, only I still used www. I got sent to the Bible site again. I don't know what is going on, or why a love of Helene will send you to a Bible site, but I smell a nefarious plot in this. I'm not entirely sure who is being nefarious, but I suspect this Aaron fellow.

Yesterday my english class went to see Highway Ulysses. It was pretty good, there was some good stuff going on there, but some of it was horribly written, and I didn't really like how they shifted the focus from Odysseus-the-husband to Odysseus-the-father. Made it a bit too cheesy. But the play itself was pretty good and enjoyable. I liked the sheep references in the Cyclops scene, and I liked the singing, although the songs were pretty forgettable. Maura predicts that the songs will be rewritten and in 20 years it will become wildly popular. Mark her words. If it's not wildly popular in 20 years, I am going to track her down to laugh at her. I might even go so far as to use the phone, and you all know how much I adore that particular instrument of communication.

There were some funny bits in the play, but some of them were ruined for me by a couple of people sitting in front of us, who laughed loudly and fervently at every mild joke. It was as though they were trying to prove that they got the intellectual jokes by laughing very hard at things which weren't really all that funny. Sort of annoying, but there you are.

I think I am the only person in my class who had actually read the Odyssey, which sort of makes me sad. I read it before I went to go see O Brother Where Art Thou?, because I thought it would be a good idea. I kind of wish more people had read it, then I wouldn't feel like such an irrepressible dork. At least, I wouldn't feel so very lonely in my dorkiness.

Anyways. It was bitterly cold in Cambridge last night (this is the Cambridge next to Boston, not the one in England, just in case you are foolish, or confused, or both). I bitterly rued my decision to not bring a scarf. On the T into Harvard Square, we were discussing the Odyssey, and a woman standing near us on the train started talking to us. She admonished us to not trust school reading lists, as they were woefully incomplete. She then recommended the school reading list of some other school to us. People are nuts. (Nuts and boring)

We then went to get our tickets from the ART (which stands for something, but I'm not entirely sure what. It was the theater we were at, anyways). While we were there, we made Noah ask the ticket lady if she could recommed any good restaurants in the area. She did so, and then Noah made his way to the facilities, so that he could feast in comfort later. While he did so, a woman with a thick accent and a large cello strapped to her back came over and told Jaime and I about a lovely little Mexican restaurant where we could get a great margarita. We politely thanked her.

Then we ignored all of the nice people who gave us advice and went to Uno's, because it was there. It was a good dinner, except that our poor server was so bitterly harassed by our table that my stony heart went out to the unfortunate fellow. Noah tried to make small talk with him about the logic behind the decor, and Jaime tried to make him feel bad about having only Pepsi products. I hid my face in shame to be found in such uncouth company.

The theater itself was pretty cool. It had some crazy metal design thing on the outside that looked distinctly Frank-Lloyd-Wright-ish to me, although I don't think it was really Frank Lloyd Wright. It might have been inspired by him. Anywho. The interior looked like it had been designed almost entirely by Design Within Reach, or one of their more expensive counterparts. They had clear chairs on the stage that I have chez moi, their lighting in the foyer was funky, and they had modular-couch-like seating deals. I approved.

I have this chair in clear

On the T ride over, I saw a man in a tan suede jacket. He had a gray beard and glasses and he was smiling to himself the whole time. He looked kind of British, and he made me happy for some unfathomable reason.

I cannot be in math any longer. It is beginning to get literally depressing to be in there. I do not understand any of it. And I am so tired all of the time. The world is against me.

Mock Trial elections were today! I know the officers for next year, but I'm not telling. Not until tomorrow morning, when they are announced. Now I am starting to get very excited to make up awards and have the party. It had better be a rollicking good time.

Little brother going to DC this week! Thank cats. It will be like heaven, only more visceral. Or so I believe.

Today in lunch I announced that some marsupials (like sugar gliders) have 'bifurcated' reproductive organs. If you don't know what that means I'm not going to tell you, but you can read all about it here. Since it is generally agreed that Kate is a marsupial, this caused some degree of consternation at the table.

Ah, knowledge.

I think that note is good enough to end on, don't you?

5:13 PM

Saturday, March 08, 2003  
This will be a quick blog since I am perishing from the fact that I have a crippling headache and I need the Advil to kick in.

Corey got his puppy!!! It is the cutest thing ever, excepting of course my babies when they were kittens. He is a keeshond (the puppy, not Corey), and he is small and infinitely fluffy. He was like some insane little stuffed animal that somehow came to life, like Pinnochio only not so freaky, because I've always been kind of creeped out by Pinnochio. He was very exciteable and he tried to eat Kate's shoe. He has an adorable little face with these crazy little puppy eyes, and I just barely contained my joy when I saw him. A most superior puppy.

I am an adult keeshond.

I know I'm a cat person, but in truth I like all animals. I just happen to like cats above and beyond all others.

I also met Corey's elder cat, Popeye, who was very polite and nice. She is almost as old as Louise, which means that she's ancient, but she looks very good for such an old cat.

We Book o' Timed today, and we are within moments of being finished. We just have a few more doodles to do, and we have to make a title page, and that's it! Done! It's been long and painful. Indeed, it's been rather like giving birth. But so close now, so close!

Stephanie brought me my Girl Scout cookies today, so I am very happy about that. I thoroughly enjoy Girl Scout cookies. I get to eat sugary delights (or DeLites, if you will) while at the same time being secure in the knowledge that I am helping the Girls of Tomorrow Grow Strong. Or something. You know what I mean.

So, here I am, on my brand new cable internet connection. It is very, very fast, and I approve of that. Comcast is being foolish though, so I don't have an email account yet. I can still check AOL by going to the AOL website, and of course I still have my original internet email, which I am not going to change any time in the forseeable future, that being

OK, this headache is making me irritable, so I am going to go.

I don't know, maybe I'll get a cold compress or something.

6:53 PM

Friday, March 07, 2003  
I am back. I am in the library and presumably I shouldn't be blogging, but I was going to get candy and then I restrained myself, with the library's no-food policy in mind, so that is enough behaving well for me. I can only do one at a time, and the library either gets me eating candy and doing work or not eating candy and blogging. You can see what that has led to.

I am not liking this computer, though, because the Delete key is one of those tiny little backspace-arrow key deals, and I keep on missing it and hitting \. I am used to a larger Delete key and I have no intention of getting used to this miniscule one.

At least the space bar is working. It wasn't working on the computer I was on yesterday.

Liz just blew through here, searching in vain for her Spanish teacher. She was (wrongly) informed that her teacher was in here. Madame said that her teacher should be up in her classroom. Liz said that she wasn't. I do so love it when teachers go AWOL in this school. It usually only happens with the language teachers, and that is because they are cynical, but it happened once with my bio teacher this year, and that was because she got stuck in traffic and the office forgot to call a sub. We spent almost the entire double lab sitting on the floor outside the classroom, because we were locked out. A thoroughly amusing experiece, and no one was in the least bit upset that we didn't get to learn that day.

I got two new CDs yesterday. I got 'When I was cruel' by Elvis Costello and 'Cuisine Non-Stop', which is a compilation of French groups. They're both quite good. I was introduced to the Elvis Costello one by Corey, who played it once while we were muralling. It is like detective music, you know, lots of saxophone and such. The French one is magnificent. I heard a couple of songs from it on the radio (88.9... it's the radio station of some college, I think Emerson) and I just had to purchase it. Newbury Comics didn't have it, which shocked and astounded me, but then I found it in Barnes and Noble, so all was well.

Today is Liz's birthday. Happy birthday, Liz!

(I can't believe that she's a legal adult. That is absolutely terrifying. The implications are enormous and infinitely scary.)

I am not sure if I will be able to blog this weekend, since our computer will be switching over to CABLE, and I will no longer have AOL, and I anticipate some turmoil. Even if there is no turmoil, if the cable hook-up actually works, you just know that the foul creature otherwise known as my brother will monopolize the computer for his own nefarious uses.

Speaking of the devil... he is going on his DC trip next week. It is only 3 days, but I am very excited. Any length of time without the unwelcome presence of this heinous beast is a most wonderful day indeed. I hope it snows and his plane can't take off when he's supposed to come back home.

I spent much of last night retrieving data from AOL, so that I wouldn't lose it when we lost AOL. I emailed my entire address book and buddy list (just in case) to my internet email, which will remain untouched by this transfer. At least, it had better remain untouched. So if you've got something very important to mail me in these few coming days, you may want to send it to, just to be on the safe side. I'm not sure when I'll have my new email account up and running.

The worst bit about the data retrieval was that I had to get all of my websites somewhere safe. I ended up just printing out a list of them, since that seemed to me to be the way to go, with the most negligible possible danger of data loss. Unless, of course, a cat throws up on it or something. That would not be good. In any event, there were a lot of websites, since I have accumulated a lot of data on AOL in the many years that I have had it.

Oh man. The library lady just marched past all of the computers, presumably checking to make sure we weren't illegally playing games or any such thing. I guess blogging looks enough like work that I was spared, because I didn't see her coming at all, and lo! she was glaring at me before I knew she was there. I suppose the sounds of diligent typing are soothing to her soul, and I suppose that if you don't look too closely at what I'm writing here, it could be a paper or something.

Well, except for the fact that it says Post to Felines for Anarchistic Green Democracies in bold just like that at the top of this window. Maybe she thought it was the name of a paper some somesuchathing.

I really hate this shrunken Delete key.

Our math teacher gave us a problem in class and said that if we could get it, we wouldn't have any homework this weekend. I don't think she really wanted to give us homework anyways, because she helped us solve the problem, and she checked our answers. I like nice teachers who don't give us homework over the weekend.

Always have a back-up website on tap, just in case a wrathful librarian happens to saunter by, and you're not doing anything that even remotely resembles work (blogging, as I have previously stated, does indeed resemble work to some degree). I have Liberation, just in case.

I will now go look at other things, since this is taxing my mental health, and I can't think of anything else of interest to relate.

11:04 AM

Wednesday, March 05, 2003  
OK, here is news indeed.

I have finally, after untold ages of fruitless searching, found a photo-hosting site that seems to fit my exacting requirements. I have found Village Photos, and hopefully it will work for many months to come.

In any event, I have scanned in a doodle of mine, and I shall endeavor to post it herein. I have no idea if this will work or not, because I'm a little shaky on my HTML, but gosh darn it, I'm going to try. Here goes.

Maybe you can see that. I rather hope that you can.

I am reading a very large collection of Sherlock Holmes stories, because they are just so damn good. In one of them, Sherlock Holmes is reading The Book of Time. I was thrilled beyond belief. We're not just doing biology anymore, we're part of some larger literary phenomenon.

Yesterday in psych we learned that your brain is flame-broiled, like a Whopper. But without the Vaseline that they put on Whoppers to make them look good in commercials.

Haven't you heard of the fish that SPAWN?

I got some pictures back yesterday, they are nice, as such things go. Some are good and some are funny. Pictures make the world a much better place.

Sigh. War. I am telling you, if the world was run by Anarchistic Green Democratic Felines, war would not be an issue. The depletion of the world's tuna resources, now that would be an issue. It would be an issue indeed.

Well, I am going to see if this image thing works out. I can't tell now because it's just a line of code, but we shall see what we shall see.

teacher: What kind of experiment should you do?
student: The experiment should be scientific.
me and everyone sitting around me: *derisive snickers*

8:30 AM

Monday, March 03, 2003  
Love! Hate! Anger! Happiness! Joy and sadness and wonder and boredom and so on! It was the weekend of new beginnings and old endings and long-awaited confrontations and unexpected happenings. It was, in short, the weekend of life, and it created much fodder for this here blog, but I don't think I can post much of it without getting myself rather deep in the proverbial dog doo.

It was the Drummond birthday on Saturday, so Happy Birthday to Stephanie and Brian! I've no idea if either one of them reads this turkey, but I like to mention it just for the nicety.

We had a lovely breakfast for Stephanie on Saturday. Once I got over the horror of waking up so very early on a weekend, I rather enjoyed it. I think the last 5 pictures on my camera are all just of Stephanie. There was a birthday strudel in the place of a birthday cake, since it was morning. Kate ate a piece of it before anyone put the candles in it, so Stephanie blew out her birthday candles on a strudel with a piece missing. Shameful, shameful Kate.

Then we bio folks left to work on our Book of Time. We worked from about 11:30 to 6, with a lunch break and some minor breaks during the working time, but there was usually at least one person doing work the whole time through. That is a long time to do biology. We still haven't finished the Book of Time. I am beginning to think that the ending is something elusive, like a deer, that will run away in fear whenever we approach it. Hopefully we will be able to capture and slay the deer, so that we may present it's hide to our biology teacher, but this is one damn fearful deer, and it is doing everything in it's power to avoid the danger that we represent.

Oh, on Friday night WE SAW A FOX!!!! It was incredible! We were just driving along and I was staring out the window, and suddenly I saw this fox! It had a great big bushy tail, and everything else that foxes generally have. I got so excited that I started thumping on the car and squealing happily, until someone expressed concern that I was going to deploy the airbag in my joy. Then I desisted.

Anyways. On Saturday, after we Book of Time-ed, we went to see a Far From Heaven. It was quite good. It's one of those movies whose plot is poised on the edge of a knife (as I gracefully steal metaphors from Tolkein). Stray too far in one direction or another, and the whole thing will fall into disgrace and suck-i-ness. This one walked the line, though, and stayed within the bounds of tastefulness, and it was a very good movie. I just mixed way too many metaphors in that, but you know what I mean. At least, you ought to.

It's also one of those movies that a lot of people could just despise. I know a number of people who probably would hate it. But they are senseless Philistines, so their opinions should not be counted.

Then we came back, and daggers were thrown from eyes, and then we ate dinner, and watched a movie chez Maura that was so mind-numbingly bad that I was unable to use my proper cognitive processes for quite some time. I think it was called the Sweetest Thing, or something very much like that. It was horrible. Horrible. Singing, dancing, mindless sex, and a script that was both self-aware and completely oblivious. I shudder at the memory of it.

Then I came home and Noah was also just getting home, so Kate and I had words with him. Then Kate left because she was cold (fortitude, Kate! Fortitude!) so Noah and I chatted and expressed all sorts of joy and I was very happy. I am so proud of him. Eventually I went in because it was getting rather late and rather chill and, due to my usual wisdom, I didn't have a jacket on.

Then I went to sleep, and I did that most of Sunday, since cat knows I deserved it.

And that was my weekend. There was a lot more intense emotionally baggage being rocketed around, and I'm pretty sure that a lot of people got really mad at a lot of other people, and then they made up, and then they got mad again. Oh, it was good times. And Noah has found love, which is always good times. Oh, and there's such scandal here, such wonderful scandal, and I love it, because it is all so thoroughly amusing.

I must run, the class, it is a-endin', but I leave you with love and sheer, lunatic, existential JOY.

9:34 AM

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