Friday, March 07, 2003
I am back. I am in the library and presumably I shouldn't be blogging, but I was going to get candy and then I restrained myself, with the library's no-food policy in mind, so that is enough behaving well for me. I can only do one at a time, and the library either gets me eating candy and doing work or not eating candy and blogging. You can see what that has led to.
I am not liking this computer, though, because the Delete key is one of those tiny little backspace-arrow key deals, and I keep on missing it and hitting \. I am used to a larger Delete key and I have no intention of getting used to this miniscule one.
At least the space bar is working. It wasn't working on the computer I was on yesterday.
Liz just blew through here, searching in vain for her Spanish teacher. She was (wrongly) informed that her teacher was in here. Madame said that her teacher should be up in her classroom. Liz said that she wasn't. I do so love it when teachers go AWOL in this school. It usually only happens with the language teachers, and that is because they are cynical, but it happened once with my bio teacher this year, and that was because she got stuck in traffic and the office forgot to call a sub. We spent almost the entire double lab sitting on the floor outside the classroom, because we were locked out. A thoroughly amusing experiece, and no one was in the least bit upset that we didn't get to learn that day.
I got two new CDs yesterday. I got 'When I was cruel' by Elvis Costello and 'Cuisine Non-Stop', which is a compilation of French groups. They're both quite good. I was introduced to the Elvis Costello one by Corey, who played it once while we were muralling. It is like detective music, you know, lots of saxophone and such. The French one is magnificent. I heard a couple of songs from it on the radio (88.9... it's the radio station of some college, I think Emerson) and I just had to purchase it. Newbury Comics didn't have it, which shocked and astounded me, but then I found it in Barnes and Noble, so all was well.
Today is Liz's birthday. Happy birthday, Liz!
(I can't believe that she's a legal adult. That is absolutely terrifying. The implications are enormous and infinitely scary.)
I am not sure if I will be able to blog this weekend, since our computer will be switching over to CABLE, and I will no longer have AOL, and I anticipate some turmoil. Even if there is no turmoil, if the cable hook-up actually works, you just know that the foul creature otherwise known as my brother will monopolize the computer for his own nefarious uses.
Speaking of the devil... he is going on his DC trip next week. It is only 3 days, but I am very excited. Any length of time without the unwelcome presence of this heinous beast is a most wonderful day indeed. I hope it snows and his plane can't take off when he's supposed to come back home.
I spent much of last night retrieving data from AOL, so that I wouldn't lose it when we lost AOL. I emailed my entire address book and buddy list (just in case) to my internet email, which will remain untouched by this transfer. At least, it had better remain untouched. So if you've got something very important to mail me in these few coming days, you may want to send it to, just to be on the safe side. I'm not sure when I'll have my new email account up and running.
The worst bit about the data retrieval was that I had to get all of my websites somewhere safe. I ended up just printing out a list of them, since that seemed to me to be the way to go, with the most negligible possible danger of data loss. Unless, of course, a cat throws up on it or something. That would not be good. In any event, there were a lot of websites, since I have accumulated a lot of data on AOL in the many years that I have had it.
Oh man. The library lady just marched past all of the computers, presumably checking to make sure we weren't illegally playing games or any such thing. I guess blogging looks enough like work that I was spared, because I didn't see her coming at all, and lo! she was glaring at me before I knew she was there. I suppose the sounds of diligent typing are soothing to her soul, and I suppose that if you don't look too closely at what I'm writing here, it could be a paper or something.
Well, except for the fact that it says Post to Felines for Anarchistic Green Democracies in bold just like that at the top of this window. Maybe she thought it was the name of a paper some somesuchathing.
I really hate this shrunken Delete key.
Our math teacher gave us a problem in class and said that if we could get it, we wouldn't have any homework this weekend. I don't think she really wanted to give us homework anyways, because she helped us solve the problem, and she checked our answers. I like nice teachers who don't give us homework over the weekend.
Always have a back-up website on tap, just in case a wrathful librarian happens to saunter by, and you're not doing anything that even remotely resembles work (blogging, as I have previously stated, does indeed resemble work to some degree). I have Liberation, just in case.
I will now go look at other things, since this is taxing my mental health, and I can't think of anything else of interest to relate.
11:04 AM