Thursday, March 27, 2008
Here was my favorite thing about the Japan series.
I set my alarm for 5:30 in the morning so that I would be mostly conscious by the time the game started. I made coffee and got waffles (frozen) and maple syrup (local). I turned on the TV at a low volume so it wouldn't wake my roommate up. I grabbed a pillow so that I could beat it up when the game got too tense and/or awesome for self containment.
I looked at the completely sunless sky outside and wanted to die. Because it was so fucking early. But it did not even cross my mind, not for a MOMENT, to sleep more, because BASEBALL.
That's not my favorite thing about the Japan series. Nor is it Manny with a bat making friends with thousands of Japanese fans all at once, although that ALSO happened and was in fact magnificent. Seriously. Pretty much the entire baseball-loving population of Japan is now one giant collective Manny Ramirez fan. This is a sign of some deep rightness in the world.
My favorite thing about the Japan series is also not the way Boston fans all over the eastern time zone staggered around like zombies all day, downing coffee and giving each other sympathetic looks. I am not even kidding. I must have exchanged the tired face with at least 4 different kids in Red Sox hats during and immediately after that series, and that's all the way out in Michigan.
No, my favorite thing about the Japan series was the fact that, as I sat there trying to get coffee fumes into my sinuses, with the sky doggedly NOT lightening with sunrise, not even out of my pajamas yet (my pajama pants are Red Sox patterned; it was appropriate, dammit!), I thought to myself, "You know what? This is early, and I am tired, but at least I'm not a California-based Oakland fan. Those poor bastards have to be up at 3 am on a weeknight if they want to watch this live."
I felt a lot better after that.
It helped that there was baseball.Labels: baseball, Japan, lolcats, MLB, Red Sox
11:11 PM