Monday, January 09, 2006
Quick note to let you kids know that I'm updating all that business over on the side, so if things look wonky, well, either I'm in the process of fixing them, or they're going to permanently look wonky in a new way.
By 'updating' I mean reorganizing some of it, putting in some completely unnecessary and busy images, and changing the links... getting rid of ones I don't use, putting in a ton of new ones I've been meaning to link to for ages, and hopefully alphabetizing. You'll note I've already put up all the photo links nice an' proper, and the Chanukah story is linked up under the 8 Days of Jewish Baseball.
So, if there are any sites you read that you think I should know about, be they Red Sox or Lions or Tigers or something else entirely, drop me a line and I'll give 'em a look. I've got a good idea of what I want to put up, so I'll just be working from that unless people link me to things I haven't been reading and decide are worthwhile.
Oh, and don't fear if your site disappears from the side! It could be in transit. Or you never ever update and I've decided to stop linking to you, you lazy wanker.
(PS: I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT MANNY RAMIREZ ANYMORE. I've had it. Just pick a goddamn team, Manny, and can your agent if he's causing all this tsuris.)
12:12 AM