Monday, November 14, 2005

I'm sorry that I haven't got time for a proper post right now... and I don't have photos from Saturday's glorious victory over Indiana either, because I was in Detroit (the Cass Corridor and Greektown, don't ask) on Thursday night and completely forgot to recharge my camera batteries. Fear not, readers, for next week is the Michigan/Ohio State game, and I will have my camera there with 110% of certitude. And then it's Thanksgiving, and I'll have it for the Lions game, so you miss out on football photos this week but next week you have a veritable plethora of football photos to look forward to.
And, yeah, I have an evolutionary biology paper due tomorrow... it's riding up on 2 am right now, and I ought to have about 3-4 more pages than I've currently got. And then I'll have to go downstairs to print it and hope the dorm computer room is open all night (I think it is), because my printer is on the fritz. Bollocks, etc.
However, it must be said:
Forward down the field! A charging team that will not yield! When the Blue and Silver wave, Stand and cheer the brave! Rah! Rah! Rah!
Go hard, win the game! With honor you will keep your fame! Down the field and gain A Lions Victory! GOOOOOOOOOOOOO LIONS!
You will all notice that Joey Harrington has been let out of the corner for the past couple of games. He did quite poorly in his previous outing (and was accordingly beaten with the Lions car flag), but this week, ah, Joey! He threw the ball in such a way as to connect with his receivers. He scrambled, kidlings, an amazing feat and one I like to think I had a hand in teaching him... scrambling to get away from the horrors of a plastic car flag enthusiastically wielded will teach you all sorts of fancy foot movement, I reckon.
Roy Williams, possibly fired up from everyone and their tiny infant kittens saying that he wasn't as injured as he was making himself out to be and he could've played last week and he was basically being a big fat weenie, well, Roy went out and had a career high 3 touchdown catches on the day. On one play, along the sideline, he caught the ball, and went to shake it out of his hand... it stuck there. To his open palm. I only saw the highlight a couple of times (during the postgame), because god forbid Sportscenter should show Lions highlights, so I can't say if it was a bit of intentional jokery or unintentional stickage, but either way, it was bloody hilarious.
Paper. Right. The Cambrian Explosion, kids. It happened. Because of stuff. And I have to write about the stuff. Which, apparently, is oxygen, but you can't have a whole paper with just that one sentence fragment. No, that's what blogs are for.
Oh, I nearly forgot, but before I go (as I slowly give up on the idea of 'sleep' tonight... what a strange, foreign concept, no?) I need to relate this magical tale which is related to sports, sort of, honestly. See, every Thursday the art school has a guest artist lecture, where the University trucks in some guest artist and we all go sit in the Michigan Theater and listen to them. We're required to go, but anyone can show up, and I encourage anyone in the area to do so as they're often quite interesting, when we get a good artist. The last few have been spectacular. 5:00-6:30 pm at the Michigan Theater. Come be cultured.
But I digress. This last lecturer does all this mad stuff with the visualization of subatomic particles, in conjunction with a bunch of physicists, and oh, I loved it, because he was talking about quarks and muons and everyone around me was squinting at the stage in confusion and I was wriggling in my seat in dorky glee because hey, I'm not the only art student who reads books on superstring theory for fun, right? I mean, right?
The artist (Jan-Henrik Andersen) was talking about how most of the particles he was working with had a form, and an anti-form... a proton and a corresponding anti-proton, a lepton and an anti-lepton, etc. And color is one of the characteristics of these things. So he and the physicist were trying to figure out what colors to assign them for their visual models. They tried the standard colorwheel approach, with red being opposed by green, blue by orange, purple by yellow, but for some reason or other which I promptly forgot that didn't work. So they went with a different system, where the colors worked out as follows:
particle/antiparticle red/antired (cyan) green/antigreen (magenta) blue/antiblue (yellow)
Look at that last one.
Blue and Maize! It is SUBELEMENTARY!
I died about five ways from excitement right there in the theater, proving once and for all to all my art school friends that I am, in fact, an enormous loser.
Back to the oxygen concentrations in the Cambrian period. Have a lovely Monday, kidlings. If A-Rod wins the MVP, I'm sticking my hand down the acid bath in the print studio.
edit: Bugger it all, it appears that the MVP announcement is coming at around 2 pm, which means that I will be in the print studio already and therefore will not know whether or not I need to stick my hand into the acid bath. Maybe I will take a break around 3 and sneak into the computer lab with my inky fingers and check to be sure the proper action is taken.
Also, I got the paper done, if you wondered. And made it to both my morning classes, on time and all, even. The scariest bit is that when I went downstairs to print out the paper at 4 in the am, there were other people down there tooling around on the computers. College: No one Sleeps, Not Ever.
I also have to say that I know nothing of basketball, and in fact I hate basketball, and turn it off in favor of tennis when I see it is on TV, but my god, please read WizzNutzz. I don't even... I can't even describe it. I don't give a shit about the entire sport, and I give even less of a shit about the Wizards, but for the love of all that's holy just go read the site.
2:05 AM