Friday, November 25, 2005
I'll be back in Ann Arbor at some point tomorrow, at which point I will be able to fully cover the sheer horror that was the Detroit Lions' Thanksgiving Day Extravaganza. Let me tell you kids, it was a special time. There were screaming fans (screaming obscenities at the field, mostly), there was song (bad), there was variety (all three Lions quarterbacks used!), there was, um, well, there was Michael Vick.
Your illustrated photo journal of the event will be up either Saturday or Sunday. The photos are OK... not great, as our seats this year were in the upper deck, which is fantastic for watching the game in person (you can see plays develop quite well; we were on about the 25 yard line, so we really had a commanding view of the field) but not so hot for taking photos of players. I tried though. Cause I'm a gamer. Like Joey Harrington.
Um, and I hear the Sox somehow got Guillermo Mota in this Beckett deal? How did that happen? Why did that happen? I mean, blimey, I'm not complaining, but are the Marlins really that desperate to sell off their entire team? Is this something that they just have to do every so often, like a snake shedding its skin? And if so, shouldn't the team doing that be the Diamondbacks?
These burning questions and more addressed when I'm back in the ol' AA. You're all quivering with anticipation, I can tell.
10:42 PM