Wednesday, October 19, 2005

This temporary cessation of blogging was brought to you by: Midterms! Although in my defense I did at least get a post up over at Roar of the Tigers, not that any of you actually read that, because you're a pack of dirty hippies who don't care about the Tigers.
So. Sorry kids, it's been, shall we say, rough. And I can't kid myself into thinking it's over yet either... the tests are done, but I still have a paper (in french) to finish tonight, and there's a shit ton* of clay sitting on North Campus, hopefully bisque fired already, taunting me with its need to be glazed. And whatever we're supposed to have got done for wood; I don't, now that I think about it, actually know. Hm.
What can I say that hasn't already been said, anyways? AJ Pierzynski is a Jerky McJerkface, a regular Jerkenstein if you will, and Albert Pujols is a scary scary man with a silly silly name.
For lack of anything more pertinent to post, have some photos I cranked out for an assignment. They're baseball-related, so I figure they ought to keep you at least somewhat satiated. Click for big, yadda yadda, etc., and you really should click for big, cause the TEXTURE, kids, that's the point in some of 'em. No apologies for excruciating artsiness-- it was, after all, homework.

There's more, of course, but those are the ones I feel like posting. And then there are these three, which were taken at the same time but didn't get turned in, because I was messing around and still deciding exactly what the set should be. I include them for the sheer, unadultered hell of it.

The last one cracks me up for some reason. I'm using it as a desktop image right now.
So, anyways, I'll return to your regularly scheduled blogging sometime very soon. Hopefully tomorrow or Friday. I've got a nice little sarcastic look at team slogans planned, so get your anticipation hats on.
*An actual metric unit, the shit ton. Variously defined as 'the number of homeruns Andruw Jones hit this year', 'the number of donuts David Wells eats in a month', or 'a honking lot of clay'.
11:26 AM