Thursday, August 25, 2005
Wow, sorry I've been so sporadic lately, folks. The Internship is drawing to a close (along with the summer; along with nondorm food, along with clean bathrooms, etc. etc.), and it has been completely kicking my ass this past week or so. Imagine frantic 2 am index-compiling, and shakily trying to draw something that looks like a fair approximation of a saltmarsh bulrush at all hours, and you've about got the shape of it.
It's also been a bit hard to concentrate on baseball when I keep looking forward with nearly painful excitement to the weekend, when the Tigers come to town. Due to a fortunate series of events (i.e. my dad, and his cousins Beth and Leah, are the best people ever), I will be ATTENDING ALL THREE GAMES. Yes. Yes, indeed. I also have a new camera, with a zoom that will hopefully perform much better than my old one did, but in any event expect massive photo spammage and insane blog entries starting late Friday night (or, knowing myself well enough, probably very very early Saturday).
I'll try to get a proper post up about how much this losing to/playing close games with the Royals sucks (hint: A BLOODY LOT) Thursday afternoon. This is just a placeholder, as it were, to let you all know I'm still alive and, if not exactly well, at least not twitching so badly that I can't type.
In the meantime, because I feel so bad about neglecting this space so much in recent days, have this photo of shirtless Barry Zito.
2:20 AM