Thursday, September 09, 2004
Oooo, OK, look, I finally got that long post posted. Down below this one. Read it for happy magical good reading times.
The Red Sox are on right now, and I am watching them, and then I will go to sleep. I don't technically have to leave my dorm for class tomorrow until around 12:45, but I need to get up wicked early if I want to be able to do laundry. But, for now, Red Sox. I got Popcorn Factory popcorn from the family today, and I ate a lot of popcorn just now. So good. I will probably regret it later, but, you know, popcorn. So good.
Because of classes and whatnot I wasn't planning to do anything tonight. I went over to Alice Lloyd (the dorm next door to mine) to meet up with Leslie and eat dinner. She wanted me to meet her hallmate Anthony, who isn't an art student but is very into art. Anthony brought his friend Matt, who lives in a single in Markley with his own personal bathroom. We also picked up various other hallmates as we straggled down the hall, including some fine folks named Laura, Christine, Xander, and someone whose name was either Mary L or Muriel or something of that nature. We had very nice conversations and I think I like Leslie's hall. After dinner Leslie and Xander came back to my room for the purposes of ogling Couzens, and it was all very pleasant.
The heat appears to have gone for now! Low 70s in the room! *does the happy 'low 70s' dance*
Wow, someone across the hall just started making hairball noises. I do hope they're faking. Otherwise someone is going to have an unpleasant clean-up to deal with.
One of the search phrases used recently to find my blog: "a mau cat that can turn a person into a catwomen (sic)". Heh. I hope this little alleged publication was able to be of service in that noble search.
Tired now, two outs in the 9th, Red Sox up 8-2, Red Sox pitching. A shot of the crowd shows a kid in a Red Sox shirt waving a broom (sweep the As in the series, ha ha!). I hope you're all reading Surviving Grady. Oh, Sox just won, OK, sleep now.
Special fluffy feline thanks to everyone who called today! Much appreciated. It is nice to hear from home folks when I am left gasping, like an overtaxed ray-finned fish out of water, on the unfortunately located sandbar of Michigan.
Read that down there \/. It is long and informative.
1:40 AM