Friday, May 21, 2004
EDIT OF GLORY: What happens when two of the greatest animating powers on the internet join forces? Apparently, this sort of thing. The bits with the cat on the street are particularly effective, but it's the sequence at the end that is my favorite. Red pandas! Playing instruments! On the British train line! Doesn't get much better than that.
Also, today's Achewood is especially wonderous. "Hold on do you mean that Friends was written by a freshman dorm who were all giggling under a huge comforter with flashlights and iBooks". God, yes. /end edit
Another night out with Swampscott folk that mainly involved driving around and sitting at Jason's house. And loitering at Dunkin Donuts, directly across from the 'No Loitering' sign, because no one except for Brian actually wanted to go in and buy anything. We met up with a couple of those senior high school folk there, which was interesting. Hadn'ts seen any of them around yet. Hmm. High school.
Oh, and we made a trip to an unbelievably poorly lit park in Salem. There was a swing set, which we had to flee because Kate grew frightened of a small child and its parents. We also had imaginings of giant rats and pioneers. You know, this all made sense at the time, honest.
Does anyone want to go to the Best Music Poll this year? Ye-e-e-s? I would like to go. It's that event FNX has been promoting madly... they shut down Landsdowne (sp?) Street and there are bands galore. I do believe it's 17 bands for $20. A fine deal. June 5, I think. Let me know, people, so we can purchase tickets.
Curtis has been writing a story over on his xanga (which is far inferior to a real blog, but I digress). I am apparently the only one commenting on it, causing him to say "Sad that you're the only one who reads this stuff, isn't it? It feels like I'm writing you a story. Weird." Ha ha, it's OK Curtis, everyone else is just too lazy to comment. Oh, and I do hope your impending graduation goes well, you mad spring-term graduater, you.
That's all. I'm pretty equally tired and hungry, and not sure which one I should deal with first. Sleep now and get food when I wake up? But will I be able to fall asleep when I'm hungry? I retire to find out.
1:23 AM