Monday, May 10, 2004
Arrgh, I didn't truly appreciate how amazingly fast my lovely laptop was until I was deprived of it. I'm trying to type this on my brother's iBook laptop, which is on the exact same internet connection that mine usually is. The computer itself, however, is much, much slower. I think it's on a G3 processor, while mine is on a G4.
The reason I am currently parted from my computer is a very sad one. It was working perfectly fine until I ran a software update on it. It then decided to start freezing every 10 minutes. Terrible freezes they were too, where nothing was clickable and not a single key command worked.
I brought the poor ailing baby into the Mac store at the Northshore mall. Lawd bless that store and those who work in it. Jared at the Genius Bar now knows me very well, since I was in there numerous, numerous times. Anyways, it turns out the thing's logic board is somehow fried, and they had to send it out since they don't do logic board repairs in the Mac store. I should get it back in about a week, but it's mighty hard to be without it, I assure you.
Possibly the only plus of this is that I've been doing quite a bit more drawing than usual. I spent ages on a black-and-white warbler to give my mother for Mother's Day, and I've done a few more comic book drawings. I really want to get a lot of those done, since I haven't done any in ages, and I want lots of recent material for whenever I finally get that section of my website online.
My calculus class at Salem State starts up soon, which is not particularly something I look forward to. Oh well. I might be taking a life drawing and anatomy class at MassArt later in the summer though, which would be great. I won't exactly get to do any model drawing this summer otherwise. Well, unless anyone 'round here fancies a little art modeling. Somehow I doubt that anyone would.
First Baltimore oriole of the season was in our yard today. Very exciting. They're such lovely birds, so very bright orange. And we also had a dead ovenbird, which was just depressing. It must have hit the window and bounced off... it was lying right on the bulkhead door. I was going to go out and draw it, but suddenly a squirrel approached, snatched it up, and proceeded to eat it. I definitely did not know that squirrels ate birds, but evidently this is the case.
Currently reading David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. It's quite good. Apparently London used to be an awfully filthy place. Although, talking to those who live around there now, it doesn't seem to have changed too much. Ha.
Hm, not much else is going on. I went into Boston a bit, went out birding a bit, nothing too scintillatingly exciting. I guess Maddie and Jason are home, but I haven't seen either one of them yet. More people are supposed to be finishing up around the end of this week, which would be good times for sure. Then we can all sit around and be bored together, as opposed to doing so singly.
Louise, my Tonkinese cat, is starting to show her age. She'll be 20 in June. She's been in and out of the vet quite a bit lately, which she most decidedly does not enjoy. But she's also become even more voracious a lap cat, which is lovely.
I went to Newbury Comics and got a new CD (Final Straw by the Snow Patrol, very good indeed), and they only had one CD on a list of about 5 that I had with me. Either Newbury Comics is falling off in quality, or my music is getting more obscure. I'm not entirely sure which one I should hope it is.
This July will be my Aunt Phyllis's 75th birthday, so we're all tromping out to her house on the Cape around the 4th of July. It promises to be a good time, as the Cape is always lovely that time of year, and it will be awesome to see all that side of my family, since they're the ones whose company I had to miss out on over Passover this year. It is a bit unfortunate that I'll be missing the annual Swampscott/Nahant fireworks hang-out, but I shall survive.
I might have a sort of job this summer. It's not all worked out yet, and might still all come to naught, so no more details until I know one way or the other. I will risk a hint that, if it goes through, it would be the perfect sort of job for me, as it would involve art rather than, say, retail. Well, we can hope.
That's about the sum of it, I suppose. Hopefully there will be more (and more interesting things) to report when other people start getting home from college. Hurry it up, you tardy buggers.
10:17 PM