Friday, November 07, 2003
Cripes. I just reread the last blog, and it's almost incomprehensible. I was in some sort of bizarre, rambling state. My apologies for making you slog through that literary muck.
As you may or may not have noticed, I have made all sorts of revelatory changes in the massive links menu on the side. Changes that mostly involve spacing the links differently so they take up less room, but this is a big stride for me. OK? OK? I also added my sports teams, so that you may follow them as obsessively as I do. Oh, and I stuck Cascadia under the comics side, because it is not updated often, but there's lots up already which you may peruse. And when it does update it's good times.
I also reinstated Death to the Extremist, which was up many moons ago, but was removed when it went on a long and sad hiatus. But now it's back, more or less every Friday, and the randomness shall live on. Not for the literal or boring of mind.
And if you're wondering where the fine Boxing Match: cat vs. carrier video in the last blog came from, it was created by Ryan Estrada. He does what we in the art business call Painfully Skillful Work. And he did animation for Harvey Birdman! And he had (has? dunno if it's still there) an installion at the DIA (that's Detroit Institute of the Arts, not the Dia art movement based in New York, mind you)!
He emailed me about linking to the Boxing Match video, which, as you all know, is highly appreciated. Feedback makes the Feline Anarchist grow strong and healthy. Yes, I still like hearing from all you California folk, you are not forgotten. Anywho. He's a nice fellow. And apparently his brother goes to U of M. This, as we all know, is a Good Thing. I will probably stick his link up on the side as soon as I can be arsed to mess with the code again.
not this dia. the other one. (big metal thingy by richard serra, as it happens)
Things which make me wonder #1: How did my mother know what to put in the package she sent me this week? How in the world did she know that I had been having olive cravings? A can of olives is not a normal thing to send in a food package, but send it she did, and want it I had. Also, how did she know that I was thinking of going out and getting a bag of those very same goldfish crackers? Amazing. These things are unexplained. My mother is Wicked Smart.
Things which make me wonder #2: Who starts screaming into their cellphone at 4am? Well, I know the answer to that, and it is (surprise surprise!) my roommate, but the real question is why? Why in the name of all that's somewhat holy would she start yelling into her phone at that hour? If she really had to be on the phone, couldn't she have done the polite and normal thing and go out into the hall?? Did she maybe somehow think that I could not hear her?
Well, I could, and I did, and it woke me up. I made some sort of noise of complaint, which had no effect. I then said, very loudly and irritatedly, "It is 4 am. I need to get up in less than 4 hours. I can hear you, you know." She stopped talking for a good solid minute, during which I rejoiced at getting through. Then she started talking again as though nothing had occurred.
I think that at this point I made a miserable, groaning Noise of Death, whereupon she huffed in unriteous indignation and dragged her worthless carcass out into the hall. Where she proceeded to talk so loudly on the phone that she woke up our neighbors.
Sigh. Why could I not have a normal, reasonably considerate human being for a roommate? As opposed to this criminally inconsiderate fiend from Hell, I mean.
Much ado this weekend. Heather and I are going to try to go see Matrix tomorrow, if we can figure out the buses. Big 'if', that. Sunday is the Lions game, and then I have a chemistry review session at 3, for the test in two weeks. Since we all did so abysmally on the last one, our teacher is convinced that he needs to teach us an extra lot before this upcoming exam. Alas.
And I think I shall pop over to the WORK gallery opening tonight. 'Tis the actually fairly big/nice undergraduate gallery in Ann Arbor. And actually a little hard to get into. I'll let you know how it goes.
Last night:
Pam (lying on her bed and not inclined to move): FelineAnarchist, could you grab my phone, it's in the charger right over there.
Me (struggling with the phone): Geez, how does one disengage this thing?
Pam and Shelby: *hysterical laughter*
Me (bewildered): What? What?
Pam and Shelby: Disengage?!?!
I still don't know what was so funny. I unwittingly amuse my hall. *Shrugs*
1:17 PM