Monday, October 06, 2003
I was on the verge of tears at least five times. Every single time they showed the Johnny Damon crash I winced and cringed and said "Ouch!" That was one frelling nasty-looking hit. I really, really, really, really hope that he's OK.
When the Red Sox won I ran shrieking out into the hall to embrace Beth, the other Red Sox fan on my hall. We raced hugging and screaming up and down the hall, thus blatantly violating 'quiet hours', and causing every other person in our hall to come to their doors to see what the hell was going on. Thankfully, our RA was not there. She never is, but in this instance it was a good thing.
I was talking to Leslie for the last bit of the game, and we were obscenely excited together. When they won I called Jess and Stephanie, and Tufts sounded like it was going utterly insane. Screaming and incoherent speech and the like. Corey said that even the non-sportistically-inclined MassArt had erupted in jubilant cheers. Chris said that he was going out to try and find a riot.
Now my throat hurts from all the screaming but it is *OK*. Because I am *deliriously happy*. And we are playing the *Yankees* later in the week. Homework be damned. I am watching the frelling Yankees/Sox game.
nomar hits a homer in the sept. 6 11-0 win over the yankees. hopefully to be repeated later this week.
Yes. Extreme joy.
Today was Yom Kippur, which meant no eating or drinking of anything the whole day long. It was OK until the end, when I started to get kind of faint, more from the not-drinking-even-water deal, rather than the food. But I went to all of my classes today, irregardless of fasting. My roommate spent the entire day sleeping (she was still asleep when I left for my afternoon class at 1pm). I rather think that I did more atonement than she did, the lazy git.
After classes, to take my mind off of things before the sun went down, Pam drove me to Meijers. This is apparently a huge deal in Michigan and when she heard that I had never been before, she was appalled. So I just had to be taken there to see what it was all about.
It had been described to me as a sort of 'massive Walmart'. Which I guess it is. It was actually pretty fun, I felt like I hadn't been in a car for ages, although I had been when I went to Southfield for Rosh Hashana. But I guess I hadn't been in a car driven by a friend (or myself) for quite a while. I bought some things which I needed in the way of foodstuffs and tissues. And we ran around this vast store just generally having a rollicking good time.
Break fast was chinese food and then, because I was, of course, still hungry, goldfish in the dorm. And candy. Lovely candy. Chocolate UFO thingies that dear mother remembered I liked, and those candy corn pumpkin things, which are dangerously good.
I had tons of reading about Dadaism tonight, which was boring yet also funny. The book, talking about World War I, said '[however many] were killed, wounded, or missing (i.e. blown to bits).' I laughed. 'Missing' automatically means 'blown to bits'? I did not know this. Oh art history, you make my world so strange.
And off I trot.
11:39 PM