Monday, September 29, 2003
*edit* I am putting in an edit. It's at the bottom. *end top edit*
There are people in my room right now... friends of the roommate. Usually this is more annoying than anything else, but one of them is from Needham! He's got a Red Sox hat and a Patriots shirt on. I'm wearing my vastly lurid Red Sox jersey today. And I just put up the sports signs on my door, among which are the Patriots and Red Sox. Mon dieu. What massively glorious coincidence. He got really excited about the Red Sox. Nice kid, too. His name is John.
I should be studying for chem right now but I'm not, because I studied for it pretty much all of Sunday and most of this morning/early afternoon. I should be working on my manifesto right now but I'm not, because it's not working at all in a depressing way. The clay is not standing up. I'm trying to make it dry in the proper position but it's not going to work. To make it dry properly I have it taped in coils to the legs of my chair. It's hideous. I'm sitting on my loft right now so that I don't have to look at it.
Today I got chocolate from Switzerland! And glow-in-the-dark cats that I can stick on my walls and/or ceiling! Also from Switzerland! Thank you so much Aunt Roni and Christian!
All the squirrels are hoarding right now. The weather, it is a-turnin'. They're awesome. They run around with acorns in their mouths looking for places to stash them. I could sit out and watch them for hours, except that it's a little cold out now. In a very good way, especially after all that ungodly heat, but I need gloves in this here weather.
they actually do have red in their fur. i think of them as rufous squirrels.
I love it when you meet people on the bus. On the way up to North Campus today I sat down on the bus next to this kid. He asked me what my name was, and we ended up talking for the entire ride. His name is Vance, and he's a senior (!) in the school of sociology. I was somewhat shocked that a senior would gladly talk with a freshman for an entire bus ride, especially a cute senior. Anywho. Now I know more people.
We had lunch with the engaged freshman from Oklahoma again today. Hadn't seen her in a while. Insanity. If I'm sitting in my room when Pam or Sarah go by, they always drag me out to eat with them. Happened again for dinner today, only this time we had managed to gather a huge group of people. We descended on the poor dining hall folks at Stockwell like a cloud of loudly chattering locusts. Tonight was fajita night, so I had a vegetable fajita which was actually pretty good.
Jared came in now, and he brought his video camera. So he's filming everyone. He pointed it up in my direction and said, "Hey *insert name here*", so I said, "Greetings, Jared." For some reason both Jared and John were immensely amused by this. I know not the reason.
Can't frelling wait to go back to Swampscott. I need CATS!
About this close from having a breakdown of the stressed-out variety... I have a chemistry test tomorrow, and I have my stupid manifesto due and it's! not! working! And I don't! have! time! If it hadn't been Rosh Hashana this weekend.... ggggGGRRRRRR. Things should not be assigned over major holiday weekends.
Also just wanted to say that our GSI was away today, so we had a GSI sub. And this one was quite aesthetically pleasing. That is to say, he was wicked hot. I actually stayed awake in discussion this time.
Going to go scream for a bit or somesuchathing.
*end edit*
7:10 PM