Sunday, August 24, 2003
Ha ha!
After many months of searching, a victory is achieved!
I have found my stuffed tribble!
mine is pure white
I look foward to leaving it prominently displayed in my dorm room, thus confusing and worrying everyone who enters, with the possible exception of the engineering students.
Lawdy, do I ever love tribbles. Especially a stuffed one, which has all of the cuteness and none of the destructive reproductive habits.
If you've never been to the Mac Store in the Northshore Mall, you really should go check it out, especially if you've got a Mac. And if you have any sort of problem whatsoever with either your Mac hardware or your Mac software, bring it in and ask the folks at the Genius Bar.
These people are so superbly trained, or so superbly skilled, or some superb combination of the two, that it defies all expectations. We've been having some mild issues with Internet compatibility and our Mac. It wasn't anything horrible that prevented us from using the computer, but it was pretty persistent and annoying. After a while we had gotten more or less used to it and were resigned to accept it as a fact of life, a small price to pay for the sheer, unadulterated joy of owning and using a Mac.
But we were in the store the other day, so we thought, What the heck, we'll ask the Genius Bar guys. We explained the problem (probably very incoherently), and they listened with great attention. They then proceeded to tell us exactly how to fix the problem, explaining it in terms that we were able to understand, with not the slightest bit of condescension. Not only did they tell us what the problem was and how to fix it, they explained why it had been a problem in the first place.
These guys truly do deserve the name 'Genius Bar'. They are extremely intelligent people with an unbelievable understanding of all things Apple. Further discussion with them revealed that they were also extremely well-read individuals who had either graduated from good schools or were currently enrolled in them. They have a great ability to juggle people waiting at the Bar, answering quick questions while someone else's computer is rebooting, being quick to ask their Genius compatriots if they don't know the answer right away, and treating everyone's queries with equal gravity (people were asking complicated questions about highly specific commands in certain computer languages, and other people were there because they thought their plug might be bent).
Perhaps more importantly, these people were just damn nice. They never laughed or tutted at people asking questions, not even the people with the possibly bent plug. The Genius Bar people were perfectly willing to chat aimiably about books, or movies, or Macs, and they were able to do so while simultaneously helping three or four people with computer woes (both real and imagined).
Now that's genius.
5:58 PM