Wednesday, July 16, 2003
Tonight people were bored. This is not surprising, since we live in good ol' Swampscott: population-14,000; closing time- 8 pm. It's an Olmstead Community, you know. I didn't know, but that's what our brand-new, created-by-high-school-art-teacher town sign says. Our new town sign also has a criminally busy ceramic mosaic on the back of it, so there you are.
I am speaking with Kate on the line right now, and she just used her first noun/adjective as a verb! I am so proud. This must be how parents feel when their little, parasitic children burble their first words, thus heralding them into a new phase of their life, wherein they beg for cell phones and run up ridiculous bills because their tiny child minds are unable to grasp the concept of 'free nighttimes and weekends'.
Kate: "that doesn't mean that you can sarcastic it."
Applause, I think, is in order.
Anyways. Boredom. Then we went to sit at Jason's house. Liz and Corey wimped out and went home around 10, despite the fact that we taunted them mercilessly for it. They ended up missing all the fun, because after they left everyone else showed up. And Noah brought the movie The Real Cancun. Which, being bored, we decided to watch.
The first half hour or so involved gratuitous nudity, people acting like idiots, and looooots of drinking. The rest of the movie followed in the same vein. Essentially, it was a movie about the sort of people who would cause me to commit either suicide or murder if I ended up rooming with them in college. Whiny, self-absorbed people with less intelligence than a sea sponge. And a sea sponge doesn't even have a brain, so that's saying something.
who is capable of better decision making: dead sea sponge, or girl from the real cancun? the answer, my dear watson, is elementary
And it ain't the lady.
Yup. So, The Real Cancun caused us to have much laughter, but this was because the movie was being watched while the room was filled with highly toxic levels of Extreme Sarcasm. It was mostly emanating from me, I'm sad to say, but others made valiant contributions. In other words, the movie itself was nothing but sadness in its unrelieved terrible-movieness, but it was rather amusing to mock it.
There's a new Weebl and Bob up, called Hentai. Yup. You heard me right. Hentai. If you're one of the strange people who know what hentai is (and I did), don't worry, it's only poking fun at hentai. It's not real hentai, i.e. it's not graphic. So you may watch it without worries.
Got sheets and whatnot for the dorm room today. I know that you care so very much. They're bright orange. The dorm rooms I saw at orientation looked pretty damn bland, so I'm thinking that a bit of vibrant color is no bad thing.
The one thing which I absolutely must have in my dorm room: a beanbag chair.
Dunno why. Perhaps it's just because I've never had one before. I have this burning need for one now, though. My life will be piddling and incomplete without a beanbag chair.
On that note, I wish you all a Good Night.
Don't let the bed bugs infest you!
1:06 AM