Wednesday, July 02, 2003
Twoooo posts, in one day. I don't do this often. It seems as though I should do it more often. But that seemingness is a LIE. OK. Calming down now.
On the T ride home yesterday, the Blue line was utterly packed. May have had something to do with the fact that we were going home right smack dab in the middle of rush hour. Anywho. This older, decrepit-looking man got on while we were still in Boston. He made a younger guy give up his seat, saying, "Excuse me, young fella, but I lost half-a-leg in Vietnam..." So of course the younger guy got up and was very gracious about it.
Then the old guy proceeds to harangue this young guy with stories. Stories of his own personal woes relating to the IRS, the Vietnam War, and his wife. Somehow all of these stories managed to intertwine. Essentially, the IRS, the War, and his wife all managed to screw him over at some point or another. It was compelling in an utterly bizarre sort of way. Kate and I agreed that it was very much like that Tim O'Brian-or-whatever-his-name-is book, The Things They Carried. Only in real life. Anyways, the guy ended his story by announcing, loudly, "Nex' time, I'm fightin' for the A-rabs. 'Least they c'n keep their women at home!"
Which I thought was a debatably positive point, but I wasn't going to be the one to argue it.
 Germany -
Despite a controversial recent history, it has had a tough and powerful history. A modern-day technological and cultural beacon, it is still target to stereotypes and antiquited thoughts.
Technologically Advanced.
Culturally Admired.
Global Power.
Target of Historical Fervor.
Constant Struggle.
Funny-Looking Ethnic Clothing.
Which Country of the World are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Ha. Yeah, Germany, that's me alright. Go on, take that sucker.
Tonight my family played host to the abandoned children. Jess's parents were in the city for the night, and Noah's mother is away on business somewhere, so we had both of them dining with us. It was fun. My family is slightly insane on the best of days, but with the encouragement of others, it only gets more so. Much laughing at the dinner table.
I also discovered that I can access AIM from my cell phone. It probably costs a manure-load of money, but that's OK. Now I know it's there. And knowledge is good.
According to Corey, who got it off of the Entertainment Weekly website (but I'm too lazy to look it up myself), Marvel comics is introducing a new mutant character. Princess Di. Back from the dead and presumably thrilled to be wearing spandex and chattin' it up with mainly American mutants. It's supposed to come out in September, as an issue of the XStatix (formerly XForce, apparently) called 'Di Another Day'. I suppose that Buckingham Palace is... less than thrilled.
Irregardless. I think we all know who's rushing out in September to purchase this issue. (hint: it's me)
That was a pretty lame hint, now that I think about it.
11:52 PM