Wednesday, July 23, 2003
So this guy emails me, and he's all like, "your blog takes forever to load so you shouldn't put so many entries on one page and shit" and I'm all like, "yeah OK but my archives are all shot to hell and haven't worked in 18 thousand millennia" and he's all like, "ok so what does that have to do with it?" and I'm all like, "ok so if someone wants to read some back issues they've gotta be on that one page 'cause there aren't any archives" and he's all like, "yeah ok so how come you don't fix the archive?" and I'm all like, "yeah i was all over that shit and it's like not fixable and stuff" and he's all like, "yeah ok but your page takes freaking forever to load" and I'm all like, "ok we already covered that get cable for cats sake" and he's all like, "ok i totally don't need this abuse" and I'm all like, "yeah ok i totally don't need this particular reader."
And that was that.
I'm all excited-like to maybe get to bed tonight before 3 am. It's been a long, long time since I last managed to fall asleep before 3 am. This is probably not such a good thing. My mother would have me believe that it's the single most evil thing in this world, and while I'm not entirely a proponent of this idea, it's starting to appeal to me. In a milder, more toned down sort of way. Like, bed by 1 am. Or something.
Went into Boston today. That's twice this week already. Monday was dinner-and-wander-around-Fanuel-Hall-with-mother day. Dinner was at Kingfish Hall, which has very delicious and fancy food. We justified getting it by saying that it was a celebratory dinner for the AP scores which I got. Woo ya AP scores! All that money was well spent.
Today was the weekly art-in-Boston trip. It was ickyhot and sticky as a quagmire out, so I opted for the great indoors. Specifically, the Boston Public Library. I wasn't expecting there to be anyone in there, it being summer and all the students are not needful of studying and such, but there were quite a number of folks there. It looked like a lot of businessfolk were in there being all laptopful and doing their work where it was quiet and cool, which I guess is a good idea, when you think about it. I was there cause there's some glorious architecture in some of the rooms. I spent a merry little couple of hours doing this heinously involved pen and ink drawing of part of the room. When I finished and held it up to look at it, I realized that almost the entire thing is done in one value. It looks retarded. Ah well. Such is life.
Last night I tooled about with Jason and Jess, because we were all bored and couldn't think of anything to do other than drive about. Much chatting was had, all the usual acerbic, caustic remarks about all the usual people who deserve such remarks. Yeah, you all know who I mean. Good times. We went around the Marblehead Neck, and for some unfathomable reason it was wreathed in this ridiculously thick fog which made driving an unnaturally creepy activity.
For some equally unfathomable reason (probably something having to do with sugar intake and time of night) we decided that this pea soup fog was actually the wrath of God, descending on the inhabitants of the Marblehead Neck. To slay their first born male children. Re: Passover. See, there ain't much in the way of Jewishness on the Neck, so we figured maybe God was getting all wrathful and whatnot.
Yeah, now that I write it, I don't really know what the frell was going on with us, but it was just one of *those nights*.
Omigawdquick get the lamb's blood up on your doorposts! It's the Angel of Death manifesting atmospherically! And stuff!
I'm all happy with myself and whatnot because I've been trying to get some nice finalized character sketches of all the comic book characters I've invented done before I go to college. And I finally managed to get maybe six or seven of them that I'm happy with. Two of them I did over at least 5 times each. Not amusing. Anyways, I got 6-7 done, and I've got maybe 45-50 original to me, if-you-steal-them-I-kill-you-damn-quick characters. Well. At least I've started to make progress, right? Right?
And yes, I'm well aware of the fact that I'm a huge, incredibly major dork. Making my own comic book characters. *slowly sinks behind desk, covering face, in shame* But hey. It keeps me entertained. If I wasn't doing this, maybe I'd be snorting crack or somesuchathing. C-o-m-i-c-s: my anti drug.
Can't quite believe I just typed that. But we're going to let it stand, as a lasting testament to my swiss-cheese-like mind and the sanity that has escaped therefrom.
'therefrom': an actual word! I know, I know, I didn't believe it either, but then I looked it up and lo! there it was. You spend enough time talking like me and Corey do and regular, everyday words start looking unreal. Not that 'therefrom' is a regular, everyday word, but we're going to assume that you know what I mean and then we're going to drop it.
Consider it....
*edit* I just thought that you all should know that it's now 10 of 12, and I'm massively craving black olives. *end edit*
*another edit* Someone emailed me and demanded (politely) that I post some fanart stuff that I've got done for Wolverine and Catwoman and other such things, but then I went and looked at the fanart that's flitting about on the Internet these days, and I went and made myself ill. This stuff is crap. Almost all of it, almost without exception. I am, to put it succinctly, appalled. If any one of you readerfolk really wants it badly enough I guess I'll post something, but I am pretty disinclined to do so, after having seen so much atrociously bad art at once. *end edit*
11:42 PM