Monday, July 14, 2003
On Saturday my family went out to dinner at Bertuccis.
While eating, we were discussing college (huge surprise, that) and the fact that I'm studying art/biology. I said some to the effect that I would love to continue in art as a career, but I find it to be a mightily impracticable idea. I'm not sure if 'impracticable' is a word or not, but we're going to go with it for now.
Anyways. After I said this my parents began giving a rousing speech about how I should do what I want to do, and other such things. This is not unusual behavior for parents. What was unusual was that the fellow sitting in the booth behind us turned around and jumped into the discussion.
Apparently, his son was in art school in Philadelphia, and this gentleman felt very strongly that I should go into art as a career if that was what I wanted to do. You see, he hadn't gone into teaching when he got out of college because people told him that there wasn't any money in it. He was a teacher now, but boy did he regret not going into teaching immediately. If it made me happy, I should stick with the art. The world needs more artists. Did he mention that his son was in art school? His girlfriend was studying animation. You should see the stuff they draw together, some of it's just incredible.
This barrage of talk caused me to nod nervously and toy with my fork, not wanting to encourage the guy any. It was also a little bit awkward because he was sitting on the side of the booth directly behind me, so that, in order to see him, I had to twist about in a manner most inconvenient for the eating of dinner.
Finally he stopped talking, and my family retreated back into its usual little bubble of personal insanity. But no! He was not quite done with us yet. He turned back around and started talking about movies. Have you seen the original Time Machine movie? No? (I've read it, but I haven't seen it) Well, you should. It's an excellent movie. A good, clean movie. You really should see it.
He only stopped when we got up to leave the restaurant.
Woo yay for Bertuccis and their crazy patrons!
At some point during the evening (I can't recall if it was at dinner or in the car or at home) we got to talking about comic book characters. My dad and brother have some interesting ideas about comic books, by which I mean that neither one of them knows the first, second, or last thing about them. Anyways. So we were discussing what a good comic book character would be. The upshot of all this was that I ended up promising to draw a buffalo shooting laser beams from its eyes. This creature is to be a comic book character. The comic book landscape it inhabits promises to be suitably surreal.
I've already drawn it, but I'm too lazy to scan it in right now, so here's the next best thing.
i think this is actually a bison, not a buffalo. i'm sure that you don't mind.
I would like to commend a couple of animations to your attention, once again. If you haven't seen the animation of kittens from northern England singing Destiny's Child, what's the matter with you? Huh? Huh? Go and see it immediately. I love that one playing the xylophone. (it's the No Hands kitten, by the by, if you're a b3tan and recognize the little bugger)
Another very, very good animation from the same creator is We Like the Moon, sung by the Spongmonkeys. Go and see it. The Spongmonkeys are bizarre. The song lyrics are bizarre. The way the song is sung is bizarre. Just go see it. Now.
I have found a good game on this magical Internet. It's called Seconds of Madness. The graphics are neat-o and they shine with prettiness. And it's pretty tough to play. Takes a bit to get used to. But it's simple enough so that you can figure it out after you play it a few times. I recommend it rather highly.
Err yup. Short blog. You love it.
8:52 PM