Saturday, July 12, 2003
Greetings. It is one of those days when I'm very very tired during the day, due to early waking-up-ness. I am not meant to be awake during the day. I think that I am actually nocturnal.
New music for you all to peruse and glorify in. I need to stop buying CDs. But then how would I enjoy new music? Quelle conundrum. I just assumed that the word 'conundrum' was feminine, by the way. Not that it's a french word in any event. Boy. I guess that makes even less sense than I previously thought.
This is what comes of being tired.
Anywho. The music. I got another Levellers CD, this one called Levelling the Land. It is every damn bit as good as the last one I got, and that one was spectacularly good. I finally realized why they sounded so Irish, even though they're British. They make liberal use of the fiddle. Which is very Irish sounding. But gosh dern it, they make that fiddle sound glorious beyond all reasonable assumptions of fiddling. The Levellers. More people should have heard of them, they're much too good to remain underground for long. That's my opinion, anyways.
And you would think that they would be especially big in Boston, since cat knows we love our Irish music here. The Flogging Mollys, the Dropkick Murphys, etc. etc. I see no reason why we can't extend the love to a non-local Irish-sounding band.
Also got Heroes and Villains by Paloalto. I thoroughly enjoy it, although I tend to like the beginning half of the CD more than the last half. This may change as I listen to it more, though. One never knows. It's a little bit poppier than what I usually listen to, but hey, I enjoy it, so I'm not going to let that stop me. It's possible that you've heard a couple of their songs on the radio... probably either Breathe In or Fade In/Out. Fade In/Out was what made me perk up my little ears in favor of the album in the first place.
I also got a CD called You Are Free by Cat Power. She's a lady singer, she is. I haven't got many of those... I've got Garbage and Poe, and now Cat Power. A little more sedate than the music I generally favor... certainly not as blood-pumpin'-inducing as the Levellers. But it's good stuff. Very melodious. I'm listening to it right now, I find that, for some obscure reason, it's making me happy. This one song, specifically. Called Maybe Not. *grinning like an idiot for no reason at all*
I got these CDs at Newbury Comics, which is of course the best place around to get CDs. The best selection, best prices, best random stuff which they also sell there. And usually the people working there are pretty cool. So, I was purchasing these CDs, and the guy working the register looks at them and says, "Hey, you're going to like this one. Cat Power's awesome." I was a little bit surprised, since he didn't look like what I would've thought a Cat Power fan would be. I don't know what I thought such a fan would be, but I wasn't thinking this fellow. Well. I felt happy about getting it at that point. Did I mention that he was cute? He was cute.
It is one of my dearest wishes to someday go into a Newbury Comics and see the Life with Leslie guy there. Oh, you know. Les McClaine. His link is up there under the webcomics links thingy on the side, it's called evilspacerobot. His style is pretty distinctive, and I am a fan of it. Anyways, his ongoing Life with Leslie comic is highly amusing, and the Point is that he works at Newbury Comics. So I assume he lives somewhere in this glorious state. I don't know which Newbury Comics he works at, but I haven't run into him yet. I vurry much hope that I do, one of these days.
Still tired, I am.
the bushbaby joins me in my nocturnal hijinks
Yup yup yup. New music linkees are posted on the side, comme d'habitude. Click them to be led to good music. Whether or not you listen to it is your own issue. I can lead you little horsey folk to water, but I suppose I can't make you drink.
I saw Pirates of the Caribbean last night. It was... well. It was funny. I laughed at points. Of course, there was also a lot of laughter at the crowd, rather than at the movie. Before the movie started, the family sitting directly behind us was playing a game. Someone would think of the character from either Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, and everyone else would have to guess who it was. Sort of like a limited 20 Questions. "Is he in Harry Potter?" "Adult or teenager?" "Does he have long hair?" "Is it black?" "Is it Snape?" You get the idea.
There were also numerous beautiful people in our blessed theater. Noah's old flame, Sarah, came up to say hi, thus affording us with our first glance of this much-discussed nymphette. Strangely enough, not a single one of us, after having listened to Noah's descriptions for many months previous, had pictured her accurately. Everyone was startled by her appearance. Anyways, after saying hello, she returned to the very first row of the theater, where she was sitting with her boyfriend (a blond gentleman wearing a worrisomely short denim jacket and a white tshirt so tight that his ability to breathe may well have been impaired). During the movie, they had bouts of making out and cuddling and, one may reasonably assume, sweet-nothing-whispering. This allowed for reams of amusement for all of us, excepting of course poor Noah. Alas.
We also saw a preteen girl wearing a tube top that was literally the smallest tube top I've ever seen someone wear that wasn't a bathing suit. It looked like a head-band. Her entire abdomen was exposed. If she were an insect, it would have been fair to say that her entire thorax was exposed as well. As if this wasn't bad enough, she very obviously did not have the... stuffing which one would expect for such an article of clothing. This was due to her painfully evident prepubescent state. Yes, she made us laugh. In an uncomfortable, Whose parents let them go out of the house like that? sort of way, but laughter nonetheless.
So, the movie! Well, it was more or less what I was expecting. Orlando Bloom wasn't terrible, but then again, not too many demands were placed upon him, acting-wise. He did a good job of serving his purpose, which was to stand around and look hot. Yes, we all know that he's gay. Doesn't mean we can't appreciate him from an aesthetic point of view.
Johnny Depp played a pirate with subtle hints of gender confusion. He wore lots of eyeliner. And had many flowing, overexaggerated gestures. And wore more beads than Marissa does (if you are unacquainted with Marissa, just think of modern-day hippies). Yeah. I mean, he was amusing at times, but not for the whole frelling movie. It got to be a little much.
Keira Knightly (I think that was the girl's name) looked very much like Winona Ryder. She suffered from the Storm Syndrome, which means that she spent a lot of the movie standing around with wide eyes and with her mouth hanging enticingly open. I haven't got anything further to say about her, really.
The rest of the movie was bizarrely done. Before I saw it, I wasn't entirely sure what age group was the target audience. After seeing it, I'm still not entirely sure. It's like they wanted to make it appeal to both teenagers and little kids, and ended up making it not quite appeal to either. Parts of it are oddly junvenile and parts are oddly adult.
The supporting characters are also horribly developed. The father is a cowardly fop of a Britishman, but he's totally OK with his daughter languishing in the arms of pirates. Johnny Depp's old girlfriend, when introduced, promised to be an interesting female character, but then she was summarily ignored by the movie. This tantalizing-introduction-followed-by-hardly-ever-seeing-the-character-again pattern was followed far too often in this movie.
Also, people said 'Huzzah' like they meant it. That shouldn't be allowed.
So, if you think Orlando Bloom or Johnny Depp is attractive, go see it. If you're not expecting much more than occasionally silly entertainment, go see it. If you want anything more than that, don't bother, you won't particularly regret it.
S'all. Aarrrgh. Can't wait for nightfall.
not a vampire, i swears it, i does
5:24 PM