Thursday, June 19, 2003
I would like to say that shots are full of hurtfullness and I do not enjoy them. I especially do not like going to the doctor's thinking that you are only getting one shot, and then discovering that this was only trickery, and you really are going to get two. And they hurt. And needles are not fun things to contemplate.
And I especially dislike that TB tester shot thing that makes your arm swell up right where you got the shot. Decidedly not good times.
Were you watching the congressional questioning of Billy Bulger? You should've been. I only watched a bit of it because he obviously was not telling the entire truth and I started to get sick of it. But it was amusing because there was a guy sitting behind him who was smirking broadly the entire time. On occasion this fellow would lose it and he would duck down a little and start laughing. This made the entire process more interesting to view.
Last night was... surreal. I was just settling in to do some crazed artwork with the ridiculously large number of art markers I purchased yesterday when Noah and Jason came over and asked if I wanted to see a movie. So we went over to Noah's house and watched this movie called Jackpot. It was OK... funny at points, but very very slow at others and not much seemed to happen during vast portions of the movie.
Then Noah decided that he was hungry (as usual), so we drove out to Burger King, having nothing better to do. Jason and Noah began going insane. By this I mean that they were warbling along with the radio much too enthusiastically. They were also snapping their fingers and exhibiting other Tourette's-like symptoms. I was forced to take drastic action and smack Noah a few times. Jason, being the driver, was exempt. The two of them just amplify one another's particular insanities, until the entire thing is out of hand and they've lost their minds entirely.
Eventually, after much driving around and arguing, we ended up with some other folk at Kelly's on Revere Beach. There are some loverly folks down at Revere Beach that time of night. There were a bunch of kids playing what may or may not have been drunken soccer. There was a car parked right in front of Kelly's blaring Spanish and rap music. Kate and I both sort of wanted to start grooving to this music (so to speak), but we were afraid that if we reacted in any way to it, we would get shot. The owner of this particular vehicle had that certain I-own-weaponry-and-I-often-use-it sort of look to him. Much amusement.
Then we drove home, and there was a car behind us with one high-powered headlight and one normal one. This prompted Dave to begin speaking in ebonics. I won't even try to recreate it herein, you had to hear him doing it. It was heeeelarious.
So I got home around 12 in the am, which was good, because I thought I'd get to bed nice and early. Nice and early for the summer is any time before 1. So I washed up and put on my pyjamas and was all set to go to sleep. Suddenly I hear a knocking on my window. Well. Who would be knocking on my window at 12:15? Who else but my slightly deranged next door neighbor. So I went outside and chatted with him until around 1. Meaning that I didn't get to sleep early. And I was very very tired this morning when I had my doctor's appointment. Which made me even more irate about the fact that they used tricksy falseness to give me two shots, rather than one.
If you don't mind occasional sexual crudery, you should check out Achewood. 'Tis an online comic. 'Tis much amusement. 'Tisn't particularly well-drawn, but the drawing style sort of goes with the overall feel of the comic, so all is well. 'Crudery' isn't a word, but I rather think it should be.
Finally got prom pictures. Hoo-rah. They actually came out OK. If you want a copy lemme know and I shall garner one for you.
I can't believe that they're making a Punisher movie! What the heck is DC doing? Marvel is just cranking out movie after movie! And why Punisher?? No one knows who Punisher is! Except for me and some other incredible dorks. If you're interested, here's a site about The Punisher (AKA Frank Castle for the uninitiated). I dunno, I didn't really look at the site, but it seemed as though it might be informative for you plebs.
'Tis all.
1:32 PM