Tuesday, June 10, 2003
Day after graduation. Still can't say I feel much of anything about it. It's very unremarkable. But I got a brand spankin' new iPod for a graduation present, so that has me all excited and whatnot. I've got more tangible emotion about that than I've got about the fact that I've graduated.
Anywho, that was just an excuse to post this:
hats off, swampscott high 2003! (but not '4-eva')
For once, the picture is actually mine! I took it! Those are actual Swampscott High hats floating around up there. I am so proud of myself for not using a pirated image! Even if it's just this once. In order to be poetically just, someone will have to pirate this pic from my site and use it for their own nefarious purposes. But I'm hoping that poetic justice is not served and that no one actually does this.
I slept pretty much all day today. Ah. So nice to be able to do that. Later in the day I went mini golfing with Liz, Jess, Megan and Kate. We tore up the turf, you betcha. Kate does not like the fact that I hung my tassels on my bag (hey, it's not like I've got a car or anysuchthing). Nuh uh! Fashion blunder! Both Kate and Megan wanted to keep score, so we actually stayed on task this time and finished the course without resorting to ball-tossing or ball-kicking or other such un-min-golf-like behaviors. We did it play it from the rough, though.
On the way there we drove much of the distance behind a large souped-up truck. It was lifted up extra high to accomodate these massive wheels and massive axels and things. Hanging from the back of it was, um... well... it was... er. The truck had balls. And I don't mean the soccer kind. I mean the kind that goes bye-bye when you neuter your cat. Yup. They were very entertaining. We spent a good portion of the ride debating on whether one makes such an ornament, or whether it is bought, and if so, where one would go about purchasing such an item.
Yup. Afterwards we got ice cream. We saw Maura et. al. playing mini golf. I wished to go over and heckle them until they missed their putts, but no one else was of a similar mind. Alas. Then we piled back into Peppito, and Liz honked very loudly at them. Unfortunately, at the time there were three people standing right in front of Peppito, making out. With each other. All three. I imagine that would be more messy than enjoyable. Anywho, they jumped when Liz honked and glared at us. Everyone in the car began rapidly dying from laughter. So Liz opened the door, leaned out, and yelled at them, "Sorry, I was honking at them!" [gesturing to indicate Maura et. al.]. This caused us to burst into renewed bouts of laughter. Then we drove away.
My brother has finals tomorrow. I do rather hope that my loud typing is not hindering his precious sleep.
Go check out Small Stories. They're funny. And well drawn. Some of them are quite well drawn. If you scroll down a bit you see a section where it says 'serials' and 'shorts' and so on. The serials and shorts are both pretty damn good things to look at. Highly suggested by me, the Feline Anarchist.
That's all for the evening. G'night and have a pleasant tomorrow.
12:21 AM