Saturday, May 17, 2003
Howdy ho, all.
I saw the Matrix again last night. Twice in two days. I admit that I would rather have seen, say, X2 again. But quoiever, it was a pretty good time. Other than the fact that Chris is probably one of the least punctual people I know, Jess and I managed to get into and out of Boston pretty much without a hitch. I have decided that the MBTA needs to have an 11:30 train during the week, though. It is no good at all having a 10:40 and then a 12:10. There definitely ought to be something in the middle. But anyways.
After we got to North Station, and after Chris eventually made his way over there, we headed out to the theater, which was at the Landmark Center or something like that. Near Fenway. A fairly impressive theater, but the actual movie screen wasn't any bigger than what we've got in Danvers. This one was sort of like what they've got in Revere. A bit glitzier than Danvers, but not really too much of a difference. I've been in a much more impressive theater in Detroit.
Anywho, we met a few of Chris's friends, and they seemed like nice people. Nice people are good. Um... yeah. Then we watched the movie. The tickets had been acquired in a manner that I would not exactly call legal, since all showings of the Matrix for that night were already sold out when we got there around 8. Crikey. It was an 8:30 movie, and when we went into the theater, most of the seats were already taken. Mass insanity.
Movie was OK the second time around, pretty much the same stuff. I noticed the computer animation in the 100-Agent-Smiths scene a lot more though, and it sort of pissed me off. I also noticed that the Maitre D'/Doorman for the French guy was Captain Braca from Farscape! Also known as David Franklin. I thought that he looked mighty familiar the first time I saw it, and I became sure of it the second time around. I checked online and lo! it is true. It makes me happy to see Farscape people doing other things, now that their very, very glorious show (which should not have been canceled) has been canceled. Ben Browder was a guest star on CSI recently. I smile.
I digress. So after the movie, me and Jess got on the T to head back to North Station, since the roads were iffy and we didn't want to risk missing the last train of the night. We got on at Fenway, and the train wasn't too crowded. However, we had forgotten that there was a Red Sox game that night, and when the train got to Kenmore, hoardes of people got on and poor Jess, who is claustrophobic, began not enjoying it. She was, however, quite composed. As opposed to some of the other people on the train.
A presumably drunken Red Sox fan had made his way on with his young daughter (maybe 11), who was sobbing hysterically. People in the train were uncomfortably looking over at her, because she was crying quite loudly and unmistakably, and saying things like, "*sob* How many minutes until we *sob* can get off?" Anyways, at one of the stops, another man tried to get on the train with his girlfriend, and I supposed he jostled the father of this girl, because the father shoved the other guy's girlfriend off the train. Eventually the girlfriend managed to hoist herself back into the overpacked train, and she was crying. The drunken fan took this opportunity to begin swearing at the guy with the girlfriend about 'trying to shove me off the fucking T' and other such pleasantries. He then turned to the train in general and announced, "This guy's girlfriend's cryin' harder than my daughter here, only she's 25!"
If he was expecting a sympathetic response to this, he was rather mistaken. Most people seemed somewhat uncomfortable with his loud and abusive shouting, and his hysterical daughter in tow. Gosh I love drunken, disappointed Red Sox fans on overcrowded Ts. Yessiree, I surely do. I found the entire situation highly amusing, but deemed it inappropriate to begin laughing out loud. My restraint is so very diplomatic.
Anywho, after Park it cleared out, and all was well. We got to North Station with plenty of time to spare, so we trekked across the street to Dunkin' Donuts for some delicious beverages. I got a lemonade Coolata, which is just lemonade poured onto crushed ice. Pretty good, though. Then we sat around chatting until our train got there. Chris called to make sure we had gotten to North Station OK, which was a startling and much appreciated show of responsibility on his part.
So, good times. A fairly good way to spend a Friday night. I have also decided that Jess is probably one of the very few people I could ever sit around in North Station with for long stretches of time and not be at all bored and/or annoyed. There are a whole lot of people with whom, through no fault of their own, I simply couldn't do it. I'd start getting all quiet and angry and I'd either simmer resentfully or I'd flip out.
Today I went to Ware Pond to see the goslings. There are a pair of Canadian geese there, and they have 6 goslings, and they are the cutest damn things. They're little and yellow and fluffy. The adults hiss at you if you get too close, but when they all come up on land to feed, you can get right up close to them if you don't do anything silly to piss them off. Which we did. I had brought the digital video camera, so I took some video of them being all cute and whatnot. Also got a nice shot of a red winged blackbird and a catbird. This'll go nicely with the egret, swan, and cormorant footage I have from Plum island.
My mother claimed that she had seen a big beaver-shaped thing in Ware Pond earlier in the day, but it wasn't a beaver because it had a rat-like, brown tail, rather than a big paddley beaver tail. I suggested a muskrat. First thing that came to my mind. Anywho, I showed her some pictures of muskrats, and she said that that was what it looked like. Now I greatly desire to see this critter. It wasn't around when I was there. 'Course, it may just be a great big water rat, but she said it didn't have a long rat nose, and muskrats have those short hamster faces. Hmm.
There were two pictures I thought you dear readers ought to see, but I figured it would kinder to the dial-up folk if I put them in one image, as opposed to two separate ones. This way you get all the knowledge and joy that photos bring to this blog, but you get it without the increased download time. Gosh. I've always got your best interests in mind, I does.
hello, i am braca and this is my muskrat.
Found a new comic for you people to have a gander at. It's called Elftor. It's very poorly drawn and often highly offensive and quite crude. But it's funny. If you're easily offended, I would not recommend this site. But if you think most things are funny, regardless of how offensive they may be, this site will offer you much laughs. Read more than one, though, because they really are all different. I haven't really looked at the other comics, Captain Suppository and Rabbit, you can check them out of you so desire, but those don't have my seal of approval on them. Only Elftor. Gawd it makes me laugh sometimes.
Planning to sleep nice and late again tomorrow. Maybe I'll get started on that now. Maybe not. We'll see.
11:44 PM