Sunday, May 11, 2003
hi. no caps today. that's just the way that it is. tonight, i should say. helloooooo early sunday.
i've done much linkage on the side. it actually doesn't look like that much, but check it out. i've weeded out some of the sites i no longer think you deserve the links to, and i put up a new 'see it before you die or you will never rest in anything even resembling peace' section of links that you must see. before you die. i say before only because the availability of internet connections in the afterlife is currently a subject of much debate, and on the whole i think it's safer to see them before the fact, when you know you're going to be able to get online.
i mean, cat only knows, the afterlife could have some horrid dial up system that makes the cable connection of the living seem magical in its swiftness. best to do these things now. carpe diem, and all that. so go see those sites.
forgot to mention that corey had his art show. he goes to raw art. the show was good times. he's in the film program, so it was all movies. most of 'em were pretty good... some were sort of stupid but others were rather impressive.
there was a very good one featuring a cat. there was also a very good one about gay gummi bears, and one about this girl's grandmother which was very impressive, especially as she was in the beginner class. corey had a couple of films in there, including a one-minute movie about making coffee which featured a glorious semi-feline-themed coffee cup at the end, and a neat pseudo-old-fashioned one which had some very nice photoshoppage in it which i, naturally, approved of.
the other funny bit about the show was that a lot of us showed up to see corey's movies. so afterwards we were all standing about chatting together. ha. raw arts is in lynn. i'm pretty sure we were the single largest clump of white, preppy kids in there. more ha. swampscott is so very diverse that i love it to endless bits and pieces.
doom dee doom.
went to the beach with jess and liz today, cause it was gloriously nice out. they had been sitting at jess's house before they picked me up, and liz had been climbing on jess's fence and startling her neighbors, so jess figured that it would be a good idea to remove liz from that area. so we went to... err, devrow beach, i think it is. can't spell, but you know. the one in marblehead. we got ice cream and sat about and liz managed hit herself in the head with a rock. twice. oooooooonly liz....
then i came home and studied like a person full of insanity for the bio ap test on monday. i plan to do more studying tomorrow. i plan to not study much (or at all) for psych. hey, i've got my priorities straight, and i just don't give a pair of fetid dingos kidneys about psych. (douglas adams, please don't sue me. if you're still alive. if not, douglas adams' estate, please don't sue me)
hoofa. that's all. voon and good night.
12:29 AM