Sunday, May 04, 2003
A hand washed turkey... there's turkey for all... a hand washed turkey... this turkey's having a ball...
Only, see, you've got to sing it. It's no good if you're not singing it.
If you're too damn lazy to sing it yourself you may listen to it here. And if you haven't already, you are a horrible, horrible person for not doing so. It is glory incarnate.
I am going to start saying "lo shopkeep" when I enter stores now, and I am going to ask for 'a hand washed turkey' whenever I go into a record store.
Today, driving to the mall, we saw a very very small chihuahua sort of dog sitting over a man's shoulder as he drove his convertible. It was exceedingly cute, but it seemed rather unsafe. You know, driving in an open-air car with a small dog clinging precariously to your shoulder, and all that.
I didn't realize that Christopher Guest also wrote This is Spinal Tap. I tell you, the man is a genius. You cannot call yourself a film afficianado if you don't like Christopher Guest. Best in Show is one of the best movies I have ever seen, and that is not likely to change anytime in the foreseeable future.
Yesterday (or, well, two days ago by now I guess, since it's past midnight... Friday night, in any event) I saw Tron. A classic. The movie from which all other followed. Once you got over the cheesiness of the props and the '80s-ish clothing and the obvious blue-screenness of it all, it was actually a great movie. I mean, it took me a bit to get into it, but then I enjoyed it greatly. I suppose that I am so used to the excellent effects of today that it takes me a bit to readjust to the time when those effects were just starting to be used, which is essentially what Tron is. The first to use computer animation. And use it quite gloriously, for the time. Good stuff, if you're at all into scifi or movies, I suggest you see it, either for the entertainment value or the historical value, or both.
Also see it if you like South Park. I appreciate South Park so much more now that I've seen Tron. That show just never stops getting better. Moses has all sorts of new meanings to him, and I love it to pieces.
AP tests start next week. Hoorah. The only good thing about them is that I don't have to go into school on the days that I have AP tests. And I do mean the only good thing.
I saw Samurai Jack just now. I hadn't seen it in a while, and I had nearly forgotten how truly glorious it is. It is splendiferous (iron-like splendor?). Anywho. Glory.
Gasp! The news of the century! The old man in the mountain in New Hampshire has collapsed! Their state emblem-- gone! The most magnificent natural formation in New Hampshire-- gone! All that tourist attraction-- gone! My lord. New Hampshire is now destitute. I mean, yeah, there are still moose and loons and alpine slides and such, but the old man in the mountain! That was key to the whole New Hampshire experience. I, for one, am full of sorrow.
i am no more.
Go get out your New Hampshire quarters, and let's all have a moment of silence for the passing of this immense natural monument.
Err, right then. That's all. I am going to go, I don't know, look at pictures of monotremes or something, and then I shall go bed myself down, so that I may awaken on the morn, fresh and ready to go see Jess's dance show, and see XMen. Both events have me in a positive frenzy of excitement.
Until then, mes amis.
12:30 AM