Friday, April 25, 2003
Vacation is drawing to a close. Sniffle. My sadness is unending. I have absolutely no desire to go back to school.
Hum. Lots of stuff has happened that I haven't blogged yet, because I kept going online and then not feeling up to blogging. You have to be in a certain mood in order to blog. Or you have to be bored. Or you have to have homework that you really should be doing but you're not because you're a bad person.
Anywho, a few nights ago Liz and I were just driving around, because we get bored and that is what we do. Before she picked me up, Liz was wearing a sweatshirt with the hood up, and she was drinking a cream soda in one of those glass bottles. I guess she looked sufficiently like someone who was drinking beer while driving, because she got pulled over by a cop. Of course she started flipping out and of course the cop quickly realized she was acting in all legality, but ha. I thought it was funny.
Then we went and drove over these insane speed bumps in Beverly. They're enormous. You go over them and the car just soars. Peppito didn't enjoy it much, but we surely did. It was like a carnival ride, only less expensive.
Liz also purchased a Candy Spray. A cream soda Candy Spray. It was extraordinarily horrible. I may not know much, but I do know that cream soda is not supposed to be sour.
Muralling was done, thank cats. It would have been most upsetting to go all vacation without getting anything done. We did make some progress, but of course we're not finished yet. Oh no. That would be too easy, now wouldn't it? Hopefully we made a noticeable difference. I mean, heck, we know we worked on it, but cat only knows if the rest of the school will realize it.
A couple of days ago we went to see The Hours at Copley. It was quite the adventure. Chicken was grotesquely eaten on the T. Liz was pouring gobbets of sauce over hers, and Jason had accidentally ordered the entire bird, so he had massive amounts of fried chicken to work through. Corey binged his like a bulimic person and managed to bolt it down before we got on the T. I had already eaten dinner, because my family loves me and I get fed at home. Mwah ha ha ha ha ha!
Anyways, The Hours was OK. I was kind of disappointed by it. It wasn't a bad movie, per se, it just wasn't much compared to the book. The book was thoroughly glorious. The acting was pretty good all around, and the music was good, and it was sort of neat to see how they tied the 3 stories together in a movie form. But there were some things that pissed me off... too many Ophelia references, too much of a you're-not-a-liberated-woman-unless-you're-a-lesbian vibe going on. The lesbian angle with Virginia was defintely played up more in the movie than it was in the book. I also didn't like the little kid, but I guess that's because his character in the book was mostly revealed through narration, and they couldn't really do that in the movie.
The movie-going experience was also enhanced by the fact that we were not quite the only people in the theater. There were two groups of people in the theater.... us 4, and a lovely couple who sat in front of us. Now, common sense would say, 'If you are in a movie theater with only 4 people in it, and you went to this movie with the intent of expressing your love for one another, you should sit behind the 4 people already there'. Alas, this couple was not inclined to listen to common sense. They sat in front of us, and oh yes, they were expressing their love. Physically. Intensely. During the movie.
We raced out of the theater as soon as the credits came up, because they were, at that point, starting to get very expressive about their mutual love. As soon as we were outside we all burst out laughing. We were somewhat tempted to go back in and startle them in their, um, compromising situation, but we decided to be nice and leave them be. It was hilarious. I mean, really. The theater was practically empty. They definitely could/should have sat behind us, and then they would have avoided becoming a source of amusement.
But hey, maybe they enjoyed that sort of thing. Who are we to judge?
So on the way home, we were priviledged to ride in the single cleanest Green Line train I have ever been on. It was gorgeous. It looked like the Red Line. It was a new, specially handicapped accessible one, and it shone with cleanliness. We also saw three girls trying to maneuver an enormous box down the Government Center station stairs. It may have had a dead body in it. Then again, it may not have. On the last leg of the subway trip, a man with several bags sat down next to Corey, took out some sheets of music, and began tapping out an entire symphony with his own self. Feet, head, etc. He was very intensely into it. It was funny.
Then we drove home, and there was singing along with radio going on. It was very, very late, and the singing had a sort of drunken quality to it. We also went full circle with the Fisherspooner song (which I quite like), because we heard it in the car driving to Wonderland, and we heard it again coming home. Gosh I like circles.
There were mallard ducks in my backyard yesterday, which is weird, because there's no water in my backyard. Ducks don't really look right back there. But there they were.
The rockhopper penguins at the Aquarium are roosting! They showed them on the local news. They made little nests out of rocks, and now they're sitting on their eggs. They looked glorious.
i shall now hop upon some rocks
I hope that everyone had a glorious Passover, and an even more glorious feast of breaded products last night. Mmmm. Pizza. Cheesy bread. Doughy goodness. My life, once again, is complete.
Got shoes to go with the dress. Well, I got two pairs of shoes, and I'm debating between them. Should I go for the fancy sandals, or the cool sneakers? Input is welcome.
That is all. I must trot, my spider plant demands various homages, and I must go pay them.
2:33 PM