Wednesday, April 30, 2003
Mmmmm. Endocrine. Delicious sweetbreads.
Math homework last night was one of the worst things I have ever had to do for homework. It was long. It was mind-boggling. It was depressing. And I know that it's exactly what I have to face for that stupid AP test.
In the Globe yesterday, there was an article about stem cells. Rather, there was an article about how stem cells can be gotten from BABY TEETH. My gawd. What a revolutionary breakthrough! We need fetuses no more! Just the teeth of your young children!
And just think, if there are poor parents out there looking for a little extra cash to get their bills paid, they have a ready source of money right there! I'm sure scientists and scientist-like folk will pay to get their hands on stem cells. So all that any poor parent has to do is pry out the teeth of their children! A ready source of income! And it's not like they won't grow back! It's perfect!
Gosh I love stem cells. If anyone happens to know where I can download the South Park concerning Christopher Reeves and stem cells, drop me a line. I finally posted my email on the side, and hopefully it will post properly, but it is there permanently so that you can email me whenever it strikes your fancy to do so.
I also put up a link to the Tourniquet site which I view on occasions. Sometimes it makes my soul hurt, because this woman can draw like you wouldn't believe. Well, maybe you would believe it, but it's damn good in any event. So it's there for your viewing.
A couple of days ago in bio, we were beginning a unit on the senses. So our teacher asked the obvious question, "How many senses do we have?", just to see if we were paying attention. A lovely girl who shall remain unnamed piped up, "Six!" She then proceeded to name them: "Seeing, hearing, touch, smell, feeling". OK. First of all I would like to point out that she only named five senses, after saying that there are six. There are five, just in case you didn't know, and I would also like to point out that touch and feeling are the same, and also that she seems to have ommitted taste.
Sometimes I get so happy hearing these things in class. I just want to leap up and give the person who said them a great big hug, and I want to say, "Thank you! Thank you so much for giving me just that much more knowledge today! Thank you for enriching my life just that little bit! Thank you so much!"
Then, of course, I would release them, and they would slump over dead from my powerful and treacherous hug of sarcasm. And all would be well in the world.
Once again, I have read every book in my house. This is slightly problematic, because it means that I have nothing to read. Alas. I think I shall reread some Dumas, just to amuse myself. We're supposed to be reading Pudden'head Wilson for english, but I'm already practically finished with it and I suppose I shouldn't get too far ahead of the class.
Ah, screw it, I'll finish it tonight.
Today our work in french (that being where I am at this very moment) was to check out the Maison Robert website, and see what room we wanted to eat in, and also to peruse the lunch menu. We are going there for french class. Of course, we are going to learn about french culture and to practice speaking french, obviously not to celebrate that we all got into college. Obviously. I love this class so very much.
And though I love it, it is a-ending, and I must drag mypoorlittleself down to art, where I will paint scary, black-skinned mermaids with blank, soulless eyes of death, in protest of the fact that we have to paint mermaids. Bloody stupid assignment.
And thus, I end.
9:36 AM