Thursday, January 16, 2003
Liz: " I am so ghetto!"
Sarah: "The girl in the GAP turtleneck says she's ghetto."
Liz: "It's Banana Republic, ho!"
Hmm. Yes.
I posted some more Online Comics on the side. One is Cigarro and Cerveja, which as I have said before follows the exploits of a chain-smoking rabbit and a hard-drinking Canadian goose. Hence their names. There is also a monkey named Dr. Intelligencia (there's an accent in there somewhere) who is a genius monkey and who is always introducing himself dramatically. It's good stuff. Only, it hasn't been updated in ages, and I'm not sure when it will be.
I also posted the New Adventures of Death, which features the new, every-day, somewhat surreal adventures of Death. In various incarnations. It's by the same woman who does Cat and Girl. It is updated every Thursday, which is good, but you can't get to the archives on it without joining the site it's hosted on. That involves money. Thus, I will not do it. But if you just check it every Thursday you get the new one for free, so all is well in the world.
It is very difficult to type comfortably when there is a cat passed out on your lap. It makes for a nice and warm lap, but it also makes for an awkward hunch over the cat to reach the keyboard. This leads to back pain and mild irritation. I do not recommend it.
Then again, the cat cannot be ousted, so I suppose there is nothing to be done. Feline rights come over mere human comforts. Obviously.
Mock Trial. We had a good meeting last weekend. I feel like we got a lot done. At least, I feel like the witnesses did. I gave them my little witness spiel, questions were asked and answered, and hey, what more can you ask for in a Mock Trial meeting? I have high hopes for this year. We shall kick bums. We must win the preliminaries. We must. I demand it.
The 5th Harry Potter book comes out June 21!! Holy cats! I am so excited it hardly bears speaking of. I hear that it is even longer than the 4th one was. Doesn't bother me a whit, but I do wonder how the little kids are going to keep on reading these books. I would have thought that the 4th one was prohibitively long. Evidently it wasn't, but if they keep on like this, who knows what'll happen.
But I am SO excited that it is finally set to come out! I can't wait! I need this book. I need it more than you can comprehend.
Last weekend we muralled. We actually got a lot done, since we were working on the weekend, and we were thus in the mood to paint. As opposed to weekdays, when all we want to do is go home and fall asleep and forget whatever math we learned that day. But the weekend was good. Good things happened. And no, it's not done yet. The words 'Work in Progress' painted across the top do not mean that high school is a 'work in progress', or anything ridiculously metaphoric like that. It means we're not done painting the dern thing yet. You people think too much.
OK. Last time I tried to post, it deleted my post and said there was a problem with the server. So we shall try this again, but this time we shall save the post first. Just in case.
Here goes.
9:25 PM