Friday, December 06, 2002
Well, I got my hopes up today for nothing. I am utterly crestfallen. Most unfortunately, I am here now in school. In biology, to be exact. We are looking at websites about whatever it is that we're learning. Something to do with genetics, and DNA, and whatnot. But Ihave finished looking at my sites, and thus I shall blog.
Today it is my mother's birthday. Happy birthday, Mom!
In french class several weeks ago we made Madame sign a contract that said when we got a big snow we would go outside and make french monuments in the snow. L'arc de triomphe, la tour eiffel, bonhomme carnival, and the like. Anyways, we've certainly got snow on the ground today, so she had better honor our agreement and take us out. I brought a coat today and everything.
I have sent out a grand total of 2 applications. Sigh. So many more waiting in the wings.
I am not a fan of this keyboard. I am used to my Mac. Gosh dern HPs! I guess I may be slightly disillusioned with them ever since they gave me my retarded little friend, Woodrow. He has so many issues.
Jessica and Quang were one DNA base away from throwing their baby in a dumpster. Darn.
Only second period... already too tired... sigh.
Must run.
9:24 AM