Thursday, October 31, 2002
Greetings all, I am in school. In english class, to be exact. They told us to go work on the AP Central website, but you have to go through this whole registering rigamarole, and it just wasn't worth it. Alas, I will not, therefore, do my work.
Today is Halloween!! Ha ha ha!! I am, naturally, dressed as a cat. A black one. Very few people dressed up in school this year, and some of those that are dressed up, dressed up as other people, so unless you know them you don't even notice they're dressed up. So I stand out a wee bit. But that's OK, I never mind being a cat, even an obvious one. I am not ashamed of my feline nature. Hee hee hee.
Dave says that he can't type quickly. Ha ha. I learned from my ever-glorious keyboarding class!!! Mwah ha ha ha ha ha ha!!
No one cares about the catdamned scholarships.
Well, my wrist is.. injured. I went to the hospital yesterday, and got it X-Rayed, and such. And such. I repeat, and such. Anyways, it's ace-bandaged, and I couldn't block at Powderpuff yesterday, but I will be able to on Monday. This is a good thing. Very good. In short, I will be fine.
Although I will have to wear some kind of bracing on my wrists from now on when I play Powderpuff, since my po' lil' wrists are extraordinarily weak and limp. Limpid. As wet noodles. Cooked noodles, rather. You know. Not on the hardy side, when it comes to wrists.
20 minutes left in class. Then study hall. Then math. Yuck. I wish we were doing this in math, rather than english, which I generally don't mind anyways.
I need to take numerous pictures today. I will be very unhappy if I do not. Very unfulfilled I will be. This has been a heinous year for photographs thus far, which has been depressing. No one is doing anything interesting anymore.
It freaks me out to have to wear my watch on my right wrist.
This monitor is an AOC Spectrum 7 VIr. It is enormous. Its depth is unrivaled. I, being used to my glorious flat screen, find it rather uncouth.
Well, I do believe that I shall go check some other sites of interest.
Until the next.
10:08 AM