Friday, September 27, 2002
Yes, I know, I know, no blogging all week. But it was so busy! And I had so much work! And my brother spent way too much time on the computer, thus keeping me from getting online!
But now I am here. Celebrate, I say, celebrate.
We had something of an avian emergency in my backyard today. A rather large, innocent dove hit the window very very hard and landed on its back on the ground. I was watching it out the window, and it was moving its beak in a most heartbreakingly pathetic way, like it was trying to make a noise but couldn't. My mother was all in favor of leaving it alone until it died, because its neck was at a funny angle, so she thought that it was broken, and she didn't think it would last very long. But I was watching it lie there, helpless and prone, but I could tell that it was still very much alive, because I could see it blinking and its little throat gulping.
OK, so as you can imagine, I was fairly emotional at that point, eyes watering, voice quavering, etc., and I ran out back to see it up closer and see just how badly it was hurt. When I got up to it it turned its head around to look at me, so I could see that its neck was not broken. This meant that it would probably live for quite a while, and I most certainly did not want to leave it lying there on the ground, alive but unable to move, for whatever reason. No sir I did not. So I made my mother call the Animal Rescue League and they said they would send their little animal ambulance van deal over.
I stayed out back, watching the dove from a respectful distance, because ManEater was outside, and I'm sure that he would just love to get his dirty black paws on a poor, helpless dove. So I wanted to keep an eye on the bird, just in case that unholy terror got out of his yard (as he often does). The dove was still moving its head from time to time, and one of its legs kept on shaking in a way that was very pitiful to behold. But it wasn't paralyzed, because when my mother got too close to it at one point it started pumping its little legs in the air, and twisting its wings around alittle. So it was hurt, but it seemed like it had a chance of recovery, if it was treated.
Then the Animal Rescue League showed up. A very nice woman came around and she scooped up the bird in a blanket and put it in the van and told us that we could call tomorrow if we liked, to see how the bird was doing. She was very nice about it, and she was very nice to the dove, and I really like the Animal Rescue League now, and you should all give them lots of money.
Anyways, it all seems to have worked out in the best way that it could, under the circumstances. I know that if the dove is too badly hurt they'll have to put it to sleep, but I think that that is much better than it lying defenseless and frightened on the ground until something came along and ate it. I know that other animals have to eat, but if they eat doves, they do it quickly, killing the bird right off. They don't make it sit in the dirt for hours before they eat it, letting their prey agonize and shake in fear. Nothing should have to suffer like that.
So, I was very very very upset about the dove, but I do feel a lot better now that I know that it is getting the best possible treatment, and the most humane treatment that it could be give. I was all distraught and melancholy, following the unfortunate avian emergency, but the emergency was addressed and I really do think that the Animal Rescue League provides a necessary service in a quick, efficient, caring manner, and they deserve to be commended for it.
Their site is Animal Rescue League of Boston, if you would like to see just what they're all about.
Sorry to be all serious, and whatnot, but I am dead serious about critters getting hurt and getting better. They all ought to get better, especially if they're hurt by something manmade, like a window or a car. Heck, then it's practically our duty to help them get better. Nothing, no matter how insignificant an animal you think it is, nothing should be ignored and left to die a painful, pointless, preventable death.
OK, enough proselytizing for today.
Damn it. I have the hiccups. I hate it when this happens. Hiccups are so annoying and evil. Yes. Evil hiccups.
Should be in bed.... really tired... really, really, really tired...
You know how on Sunday night you go to bed maybe half an hour later than you should? And you wake up and think, "I'll make it up later." And then on Monday night you go to bed maybe half an hour later than you should. And on Tuesday night you do the same thing. And on Wednesday night. And on Thursday night. And then by Friday you wake up and you realize that by the end of the week all of those half hours have added up and multiplied, and you have lost precious hours of sleep and you're totally exhausted and you fall asleep in math class. That ever happen to you?
I mean... not that it ever happens to me, or anything... no, of course not! Ha ha. How silly. But I just thought... well, as a hypothetical situation of course.... that is, not speaking from experience, or anything... but wouldn't that really suck cauliflower popsicles?
And wouldn't cauliflower popsicles be really gross?
Finally, finally, the weather is getting nice! It is nice and cool out now! This is great! I love it! It is rapidly approaching the weather when I can start wearing gloves again. I like wearing gloves. My hands get cold easily, even if the rest of my is fairly cold-tolerant, and I dunno, I just like gloves. They're like paws. Paws are good.
In any event, I like this weather a whole lot. It also has the added advantage of getting a lot of the girls in my school who really shouldn't be wearing skimpy clothing out of the skimpy clothing, and into shirts that are less vile to behold. I appreciate the mostly non-vile nature of winter-wear. I have no need to see the unnaturally tanned abdomens (and thoraxes) of my fellow classmates in any weather. Not a thing I relish. Thus, winter is good.
But mostly it is good because the temperature finally gets wonderful, and I get happy. I am a lot happier when it starts to get cold out than I am during the summer. Bien sur.
Must go off the line, the stick-like brother demands quiet for his beauty sleep (a hopeless endeavor). But because I am, in all things (most things), courteous, I shall retire for the night.
Good night.
11:40 PM