Monday, September 09, 2002
Beastly hot in school today. What's up with that?? I thought that summer was over! I thought that I didn't have to deal with that sort of thing anymore!!
Why, I ask you, why o why, why is the weather determined to screw me up and screw me over??
And the stupid short story that I was supposed to read wasn't in the stupid english book!! Stupid, stupid, stupid! (we're into repetition today. apparently we are also into the royal 'we' today. we love the royal 'we'.) How can she not have noticed that an edition of the english book that fully half the class has does not have the assigned reading in it?? Thankfully Noah got the book from Dave, and I in turn mooched off of Noah, so all is well and I can sleep assured that I have done my homework like a good diligent little student.
My psych teacher said that she would email us our syllabus today. So far, this is a lie. A dirty, dirty lie. We know that you love that repitition. It's to prove a point, you know.
I suggest that you check out It is a very nicely done site. I highly suggest that you read Moby's daily journal things. They are very well written and they are just like a little blog. Being a usually-daily blogger myself, I enjoy Moby's dedication to his daily public journaling. You should enjoy it too. Anyways, I'll link the side up on the side with the other music sites just as soon as I get my act together and screw up my courage to muck about in the HTML of this joyous little site.
Must be off the line before 9. This I did promise my little brother. Well, so sue me. I was having a fit of good will towards all creatures subhuman.
Got my pictures back. Yippee! Hooray! I know that you're dancing in the streets, you're just to embarrassed to tell anyone. There are some nice ones in there. The end of MassArt, you know. And also, people sitting in a tree that looks like a giant gray wooden octopus, waving it's thick arms about in the black night air, holding up people. It's kinda cool. There are also a couple of glorious shots of all the Newton Rosh Hashana joy.
If you would like me to email you a picture (since I do have a scanner, and all), let me know. You are requested to let me know at my letting-know address, that being
I went outside tonight. It was dark and the air was heavy and warm. The slow-moving air currents tugged a thick, hebetudinous perfume around my head like a woolen blanket. I looked up at the dark purple clusters of tiny flowers and felt, rather than smelled, the scent emanating from them. It is always surprising how such small and delicate-seeming petals can house such a powerful and all-consuming aroma within their thin, silky grasp.
*i would stand in line for this*
8:59 PM