Tuesday, June 18, 2002
There are times when I do things that are so utterly insane, that so clearly show a lack of capability for reasonable thought on my part, that I look back on them and wonder 'Gee, what the devil am I doing that for?'
One such instance is the cleaning of my room. Such a monumental task! and so ultimately unrewarding! Yes, I know, I get to see my room all nice and clean, but really, who cares? I don't. If there's company over, they can stay the hell out if they don't like wading through several feet of paper. And yet, once I begin to clean my room (i.e. throw away some of the more crumpled and unrecognizable pieces of paper, and shove everything else to the corners of the room), I've got to see it through. Why do I do these things?
And sometimes I do things like start reading Les Misérables. Whatever possessed me?? It's so damn long! And, I mean, it's a good book. I kinda like it. It's just not a quick read. But, gosh darn it, I had to start the dern-tootin' thing and discover that it was good. So now I have to read the whole thing through. Aaargh.
Those are the only insane things I can think of right now. I'm sure there are more, but I am blanking at the moment. You know there are more. Insanity is my medium.
I like that.
Insanity is my medium.
10:48 PM