Saturday, May 04, 2002
We could use the Mickey Mouse... no, it has to be a pickle.
Kentucky Derby today! The world's greatest 2 minutes in sports! Arright! Ha ha, I want It'sAllInTheChase.... he's 98-1, I think, but I just like the name.
Going to see Spiderman tonight! I can't hardly wait! I hope that it's good, or I'll be all disillusioned and such.
Put a new background on the computer. Yes. It's all nicely colored. Yes.
Ka-ching! Ka-ching!
Why, they have a different agenda entirely.
They're making Dinotopia into a TV movie or mini-series thing. I'm quite upset! I mean, the reason that all of the original Dinotopias (all 2 of them) were so good.... it was the paintings! I mean, if you look at them, those are some damn fine oil paintings! Incredibly skillfully done. It just wasn't meant to be a TV thing. Ugh ugh and glack!
O man. Black shirt. White cat hair. Lots of it. It only happens when I'm wearing a black shirt. Never otherwise. I swear they do it on purpose.
Trrrrrrrrrrraaaannnnsssspppaaaaaaarrrrrreeeennntttt chair.
Mmm. Crème brulée.
Sigh. I strenuously despise little brothers.
5:27 PM